Tuesday, 12 June 2012

February 10 Green Energy News

February 10 Green Energy News

* The European wind sector installed more new capacity than gas and coal combined in 2014. The industry connected a total of 11,791 MW to the grid while coal and gas added 3305 MW and 2338 MW respectively. The coal and gas industries retired more capacity than they commissioned last year. [reNews]

* Germany boosted its wind and solar capacity by 10% in 2014, adding a combined 6,800 MW of newly installed wind turbines and solar panels, putting further downward pressure on power prices, which already dropped to their lowest level in over ten years. The solar and wind capacity is now 77,400 MW. [Platts]

* Firms in Norway and Germany on Tuesday signed an agreement to build an over 600-km long power cable linking the electricity networks of the two countries, with 500 km under water. The Nordlink project is estimated to cost up to EUR2 billion (2.2 billion) and is expected to go online in 2020. [Europe Online Magazine]

* Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, a 550-MW farm that is the largest on public lands managed by the federal Bureau of Land Management, has begun operating and will provide enough energy to power more than 160,000 average California homes annually, according to the CEO of the farm's developer. [Los Angeles Times]

* Solar power is really growing in Hawaii, according to the Energy Information Administration. Over the last five years, solar power has grown exponentially, particularly in Oahu where most of the state's population lives: About 12% of Oahu residents have rooftop solar, compared to the US average of 0.5%. [Triple Pundit]

For more news, please visit geoharvey - Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.

Source: renewable-energy-world.blogspot.com


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