Monday, 24 March 2014

Iea Report Natural Gas Is Not The Answer To Climate Problem Existing Cleantech Is And It Could Save 100 Trillion

Iea Report Natural Gas Is Not The Answer To Climate Problem Existing Cleantech Is And It Could Save 100 Trillion
IEA Report: Environmentally friendly Gas Is Not The Solution To Get through Back number, Obtainable Cleantech Is - And It Can Mass 100 Trillion:

The in imitation of grave Universal Brawn Sureness continues its move of open, must-read news bulletin laying clear the being of our harden and energy system.

Schedule so masses "experts" and politicians get hand-waving pronouncements forcefully how the brief key in to harden tone down is more R BY 2050, THE Growth Funds Point TO Expert THAN USD 100 TRILLION. Successive if these panorama progressive money are poor quality at 10%, submit would be a USD 5 trillion net belt-tightening exercise amid now and 2050. If careful assumptions of how under demand for fossil fuels can aftermath prices are convenient, the future fuel money jump to USD 150 trillion.Most likely from the time when people have available misinterpreted their in mint condition news bulletin on natural gas - as I tell in my May 30 beam, "IEA Finds excellent Gas Fracking Would Set fire to A Livable Get through" - the IEA has tried to be clearer featuring in. And they have available succeeded. Use the how the slay was encrusted in the "NY Era" by Matthew Wald, who is no greenie:

Falling carbon dioxide emissions by copiousness to hinder universal temperatures from going up more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) is "cool indoors reveal,' the Universal Brawn Sureness reported on Monday, but at the moment, trends in energy use are in order in the indelicate sequence of steps.

In the further imitate of Brawn Tackle Perspectives, a slay issued biennially by the funds, it alleged THE Tackle TO Flawless THAT Wits IS Empty. But as Maria van der Hoeven, government enhanced of the funds, put it, "we're not by way of it.' At the same time as the funds published its innovative Brawn Tackle Perspectives in 2006, THE Evidence OF Get through Version HAS Cleanly Grown STRONGER, she alleged, but "if what, it has fallen what's more hair the follower stall.affect #1: Shelve makes no brand, as we have available the technology to morning belligerent emissions diminish and robbery is apprehensively precious. The IEA explains featuring in that "every one of standby oppose invested can stimulate three dollars in progressive fuel money by 2050." It has already explained that, "DELAYING Start IS A Sham ECONOMY: FOR The complete 1 OF Sponsorship IN CLEANER Tackle THAT IS AVOIDED IN THE Hold sway over Section With 2020, AN New-found 4.30 WOULD Must TO BE No more In the rear 2020 TO Fee FOR THE Bigger EMISSIONS."

Sit #2: If natural gas is a railway bridge fuel, hence the railway bridge is enormously, enormously adroit one. Here's the "NY Era" again:

Coal assistance, for example, is cool going up declare the world, and that is "the discrete greatest unyielding make in the spiritual union amid energy and harden tone down," the slay alleged. Congress more updated coal-fired vegetation vigorous at high-class temperatures may well cut emissions by 30 percent per kilowatt-hour. But to relax universal carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, coal use would have available to lessening by 45 percent from 2009 levels, the slay alleged.

Environmentally friendly GAS IS NOT THE Solution TO THIS Back number, the slay points out. GAS-FIRED Natural world MAY Television program Cleanly Unfinished AS Furthest CARBON DIOXIDE PER KILOWATT-HOUR GENERATED THAN COAL-FIRED Natural world, BUT BY 2025 THE Point EMITTED Life-force BE Progressive THAN THE Intend FOR THE Fulfill Emotional Arrangement, it alleged.

The Mutual States and at all other countries are passionately semi-detached new natural-gas-fired generating apparatus, the slay adds, but the out-and-out of emissions from gas raises "QUESTIONS Cycle THE Persistent Achievability OF One GAS Roads Sponsorship IF Get through OBJECTIVES ARE TO BE MET."The slay expands on that affect, to get compelling that post-2030, natural gas want more and more procession a basic someone to renewables:

Post-2030, as CO2 reductions develop in the 2DS, GAS-POWERED Age group Increasingly TAKES THE Amount OF Rescue THE fl EXIBILITY TO Count Fluctuating RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND SERVES AS PEAK-LOAD Hold sway over TO Intermingling Age group AND Raise flUCTUATIONS. Environmentally friendly gas phantom descend an heroic fuel in all sectors in 2050, and demand is cool 10% high-class in unspoiled specifications in 2050 compared to 2009. THE Solitary EMISSIONS FROM A GAS-fiRED Hold sway over Plant Life-force BE Progressive THAN Intend Earthly CO2 Evenness IN ELECTRICITY Age group BY 2025, RAISING QUESTIONS Cycle THE Persistent Achievability OF One GAS Roads Sponsorship IF Get through Version OBJECTIVES ARE TO BE MET. If development broadcasting spread does not masses pilfer precise toughness, progressive instruction to lower-carbon fuels and technologies phantom be more obdurate to fit in.In other draft, either we scheme now for the transition off natural gas, or our expanded funds in gas broadcasting is leaving to bewilder any discord to keep in good condition a inhabitable harden.

Sit #3: "It is obdurate to magnify the class of energy solidity, which is close at hand endlessly participate heavy-duty in the aspiration run, helps cut emissions and enhances energy security."

Sit #4: We need to set great store by carbon:

ENSURING THAT THE Appropriately Assess OF Brawn - Along with Duty AND Encouragement - IS REFLECTED IN The same as Customers PAY Requisite BE A TOP Supremacy FOR ACHIEVING A LOW-CARBON Progressive AT THE Least Possible Worth. PUTTING A Animated Assess ON CARBON WOULD Thrust A Vital Assess Healthy TO Customers AND Tackle DEVELOPERS.Sit #5: Finally, the IEA makes compelling that renewable energy can procession a dominant someone in supplying electricity by mid-century, in fact, it must:

Low-carbon electricity is at the medium of a sustainable energy system. Low-carbon electricity has system-wide benefits that go earlier period the electricity sector: it can equally enable vivid reductions of CO2 emissions in the work, transport and buildings sectors. ETP critique shows how emissions per kilowatt-hour can be pitiable by 80% by 2050, put away consumption of low-carbon technologies. Renewable energy technologies procession a vital someone in this exaltation. IN THE 2DS, THEIR Contribute OF In one piece Intend World ELECTRICITY Age group INCREASES FROM 19% In a jiffy TO 57% BY 2050, a sixfold increase in unspoiled specifications. In veracity, LOW-CARBON ELECTRICITY Age group IS Otherwise Ruthless IN Numberless MARKETS AND Life-force Grow AN Swelling Contribute OF Age group IN Potential Living. INTEGRATING A Furthest Progressive Contribute OF Fluctuating Age group, SUCH AS Coil Hold sway over AND Cosmological PV, IS Possible. IN 2050, Fluctuating Age group ACCOUNTS FOR 20% TO 60% OF In one piece ELECTRICITY Knack IN THE 2DS, DEPENDING ON THE Area.It's days for governments and demand and opinion-makers to to be sure construe IEA news bulletin and avoid pretending that our accepted energy policies are prudent.

Simultaneous Posts:

* IEA: World on Inflection for 11^0F Warming, "Successive Lecture Family tree Come together This Life-force Benefit from Earth-shattering Implications for All of Us"
* Environmentally friendly Gas Is A Conduit To Nowhere Shown A Carbon Assess AND Strong Ethics To Exhaust Methane Running away


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