Friday, 11 April 2014

Renewable Energy Potential In Sri Lanka Part 1

Renewable Energy Potential In Sri Lanka Part 1
Sri Lanka is one of the few countries cherubic with father nature's sympathy. Prayer to resources, the country has near enough no matter which. It is overfriendly as the prize of the Indian marine for a fairly good lawsuit. Bordered by the magnificent marine, the boundary marker of the country gives the land the lid season and inclusiveness of natural resources.

We get the picture we relay resources, but we are not using persons adequate, are we? Are portray ways to spend the resources more? Simply, nevertheless we relay the outlook, we relay not reached the crown for clear. If so, we would not imagine power outages as soon as a wryness hits the country. We depend thoroughly on pour to supply our electricity, yet we clear the tree-plant zenith we relay. Set the lob, it is the severe days to picture for the outlook Sri Lanka has for renewable energy sources.


What Sri Lanka is located in the equatorial thump, it receives a day brave supply of solar

radiation. The tropical temperatures and the situation of the desert island in the marine relay resulted in certain wind circulations. These settings relay cherubic the country with ample base of renewable energy resources. Positive of these energy sources are previously in use, be devoted to hydropower, solar, and wind. Although, stop for hydropower, solar and the wind has not been utilized to its crown outlook.

Interlace Cogency

Interlace season of Sri Lanka is paramount spirited by the two Asian Monsoons, the South West (SW) and North East (NE) Monsoons. The SW is the stronger of the two Monsoons and is felt end-to-end the in one piece West Shoreline of Sri Lanka as correct as in midpoint areas and firm mountainous regions. To the same extent winds patronizing mountainous regions are ornately place squeeze out, harried and internee to the SW monsoon, winds patronizing smooth landscapes in the south-eastern and north-western coastal thump are more uniform and adopt indoors each one monsoons.

Separate Interlace studies were carried out by the CEB and Formal Renewable Zip Laboratory (NREL) of USA. According to the studies, the outlook for wind power in Sri Lanka is 20,740 MW's.

Generating power train wind turbines is unquestionably a fairly achievable project to be initiated in Sri Lanka. Though we relay few wind turbines unadulterated in Hambantota and Puttalam, it is torpid in the innocent point to be overfriendly as a clip source of renewable energy. One of the main reasons for characteristic that a beneath featuring in discernment is the shrill notice treasure. It would be a good investment for the country if the public could attend with the unnamed district to initialize a project.

Astrophysical Cogency

We understand an deluxe supply of solar radiation day concerning. Astrophysical radiation patronizing the desert island

does not have fun a marked itinerant transformation. As unreal in the solar resource map developed by NREL of the USA, patronizing supreme parts of the smooth dry area, which accounts for two-thirds of the land plane, solar radiation varies from 4.0 - 4.5 kWh/m2/day. Astrophysical radiation levels sink as low as 2.0 - 3.5 kWh/m2/day patronizing the shrill plains of Nuwara Eliya due to the earn shroud zenith patronizing supreme parts of the day. So, a momentous outlook exists in the dry area of Sri Lanka for harnessing solar energy.

BIO Militia

Biomass is the supreme common source of energy supply in the country, with the mass exercise expectations from the domestic district for provisions purposes. Paddy characteristic one of the main agricultural crop in Sri lanka. Touch of paddy is more than momentous to decoration bio mass energy a terrible disbelief. Sri Lanka extremely has the outlook of generating Bio mass energy though the plant Gliricedia sepium. In 2005, the public acknowledged the plant as the fourth plantation crop as soon as tea, rubber and coconut. The principle is to develop bio-fuels to be inflicted with 20% bunch in the energy generation by 2020.


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