Mike Barnard
There is in excess of 100 GW of capacity of solar generation installed world wide and its the fastest growing form of generation on a percentage basis. In the USA, utility-scale solar over took rooftop solar in 2012 for MW of capacity. These are strong indicators that a whole lot of smart, fiscally savvy people are making economically viable decisions.In the USA, there are at least two rapidly growing companies offering zero-down leasing of rooftop solar, which competes with retail electricity rates. Especially where time-of-day billing exists, solar makes so much economic sense that you can outsource it all to a third-party and just rake in lower electricity bills while they make a profit. Thats a strong indicator that solar is economically viable.
In 2014, a couple of long-term purchase power agreements were signed for utility-scale solar plants for just over 5 cents USD per KWH, which was a couple of cents per KWH cheaper than for gas PPAs signed in the same region. Thats a strong indicator that solar is economically viable.
People who are claiming that solar powers business model doesnt make sense arent paying attention.
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