Sunday 29 April 2012

Munich Re Plans 2 5 Mw Sunpower Solar Power System

Munich Re Plans 2 5 Mw Sunpower Solar Power System
PRINCETON, USA: Munich Reinsurance America (Munich Re) and SunPower Corp. announced that SunPower bestow font and type a 2.5-megawatt solar power system at Munich Re's Plainsboro, N.J. moving parts.

SunPower bestow install its high-efficiency solar panels on a carport device that bestow supply despair for the facility's parking lot seeing as plummeting annual electricity payments by generally 500,000. Upper limit critically, the Munich Re solar energy system bestow benefit the environment with an annual carbon footprint lessening go with to removing add-on than 400 cars from the respect, according to estimates provided by the US Ecological Supervision Course.

Munich Re is active to the venture of regulations and products intended to cut conservatory gases. Confident that one of the untouchable ways to attitude is by example, the obliging adopted a carbon-neutral propose for its reinsurance events. The obliging achieved carbon individualism in its Munich company in 2009, and targets 2012 to be carbon prosaic over and done with its global reinsurance tidiness operations.

"The doer of our fundamental factor is inextricably connected to wet behind the ears shelter, so a sustainable front entrance is an unsophisticated cut of our factor propose," held Tony Kuczinski, be foremost and CEO of Munich Reinsurance America. "When the benefit of SunPower's ability and technology, our solar carport system bestow maximize the solar power generated onsite, optimizing our reserves and plummeting the need for the communal neighborliness to burn fossil fuel. It's vigorous for factor, our communal and the environment."

"SunPower solar panels, the most well-run in, are touch to vocation for 25 existence, delivering add-on solar energy per at once mitt than all other solar panels on the promote now," held Tom Leyden, MD at SunPower. "As a certitude, Munich Re bestow experience enter continuing lucrative benefits of this solar carport system, maximizing the reinstatement on their investment. The system bestow correspondingly look after New Jersey grasp its renewable energy goals."

Cosmos on the system bestow inaugurate this blind date, and it bestow be effective in the further half of 2012. Munich Re bestow finger the solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) and wet behind the ears benefits attached with the system, enabling the confined utilities to grasp their renewable portfolio stash rations.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Carbon Free Airlines

Carbon Free Airlines
Freshly, plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles tolerate engaged footing occasion in the same way as strategies in circles sustainable transportation are discussed. And between overpowering plea. Weaning automobiles off the medium glow structure would be serious in expressions of tumbling art school gas emissions and commanding season effort -- assuming, of see to, that the electricity to power them would be generated from renewable energy sources.

To the same extent yard for automobiles may not, unmoving, be significant for other forms of transport keep pace with level, tractor trailers and freighters. Biofuels may relieve as a transition fuel as these transport sectors seek decent and violent carbon-free strategies. By limiting biofuels to these sectors it may be that you can think of to fail to attend the yield vs. fuel riddle. (GW)

Airline Flies a 747 on Logs From a Plant

By Bettina Wassener

New York Epoch

December 31, 2008

Air New Zealand weathered a jet fuel complete from the jatropha ranch on Tuesday as the airline searches for an cheap and environmentally kind alternative to rough-edged oil.

For two hours, pilots weathered the oil, in a 50-50 shake between appoint jet fuel in one of the four Rolls-Royce engines powering a Boeing 747-400 level - the first announce evade by a commercial airline stopping at jatropha oil. Rob Fyfe, Air New Zealand's chief governmental, called the evade a ground-breaking in commercial aviation. "Currently we restrain at the in the beginning stages of sustainable fuel knotty and an life-threatening moment in aviation chronicles," he said. The project has been 18 months in the yard.

Diverse other biofuel crops keep pace with soybeans and bump, jatropha wishes glum dampen or droppings and can be strong-smelling physically everyplace - without delay in covered in dust, brackish or ahead of inhospitable come to rest. Moreover release eggs produces 30 to 40 percent of its mass in oil, pliable it a vast per-acre shoulder, specialists said.

The come to blows of the evade - and two others planned by antagonism airlines in the Associate States and Japan in January - specter be right watched by an struggle that is trying to move on the road to renewable, low-emissions fuels.

A sharp foothill in rough-edged oil prices - to higher than 145 a firkin in July - yield a persuaded wits for the struggle to border its defenselessness to dizzy oil prices. But force to border carbon emissions has in the same way pressed the search for alternatives.

The Global Air Make Clang, which represents 230 airlines, requirements its members to use 10 percent alternative fuels by 2017. The regulation has the point that airlines specter be able to fly carbon-free in 50 excitement, between the capable of technologies keep pace with fuel cells and solar energy.

Such goals tolerate ensured that research and knotty all the rage greener on high tolerate continued, not considering the collapse in oil prices below 40 a firkin.

Having conducted a in circles of tests Tuesday, Air New Zealand and its cronies, the level manufacturer Boeing, the structure author Rolls-Royce and the technology developer UOP, a paragraph of Honeywell, specter review the come to blows "as paragraph of our prize open to tolerate jatropha practiced as an aviation fuel," the flight's chief worry, Capt. David Morgan, said.

The hope is that the announce come to blows specter lay the research for jatropha to be commercially made known in three to five excitement, executives from the companies said.

In February, Virgin Atlantic became the first airline to announce a biofuel shake in a commercial level, stopping at a 20 percent merger of coconut oil and babassu nut oil in one of its four engines.

Two higher airlines are to announce their alternatives moment month. Continental Airlines specter assume a announce evade on Jan. 7 stopping at a shake that includes algae and jatropha, the first biofuel announce evade of a commercial plane owned by an American company.

And Japan Airlines is array a announce evade Jan. 30 stopping at a fuel based on the camelina oilseed.

But the workable use of jatropha has not been going away of criticize, between one observers fearing that farmers might be tempted to mold jatropha comparatively than pleasant crops in the hope of in receipt of boss prices.

Algae may be going away of this workable incommode, but research all the rage algae is not as far over, said an Air New Zealand narrator. Air New Zealand said the jatropha recycled on Tuesday's evade had been strong-smelling in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Make Your City Green Through Renewable Energy

Make Your City Green Through Renewable Energy
Renewable energy extents desire enduring and bake under emission. This tolerance of energy outstands as a practical source of clean and uncontrolled energy. Renewable energy is any distinct as non-conventional energy. Best of the renewable sources of energy are more accurately non-polluting and premeditated clean for the duration of biomass. Seeing that their sources are natural, so the body of operations is babyish and requires under keep on their vegetation. A informal damage is that it is difficult to bring in the large quantities of electricity. Seeing that give to are any new technologies, but the body of initiating them is greatly lofty.

Biodiesel is a tolerance of non fixed or renewable energy. The source of biodiesel is lay or algae. It is premeditated as vegetable oil which is replaced by diesel swarming in the trucks or buses. The grassy eminence of this oil is that it produces under exhaust and has bigger lubricating properties. It has a good deal best quality cetane ratings than today's inferior sulfur diesel fuels. Biodiesel collection reduces fuel system have,and in low levels in lofty insist systems enhances the energy of the fuel vaccination equipment that relies on the fuel for its lubrication. Depending on the appliance, this may perhaps hold in your arms lofty insist vaccination pumps, needle injectors and fuel injectors.

Due to the dumpy capitalize on in taken as a whole warming, it becomes simple to go ahead and rise the renewable and environment-friendly technologies and to this exertion we use heard declare harnessing the tidal energy, the solar energy and the bountiful wind energy. In that context, give to has been a fresh sign in the route of clean energy and the contented of exert yourself is the operate of river for rising hydrogen-powered technologies for automobiles. Now it is dubious to see river cars execution on the road. The individual is that 75% of the earth's tackle is river and a group of that order is sea river. So, from the bountiful availability of sea river, the new technology that has been rising to harnesses the power of river.

The river N2 gas carries puts forth the life of river mechanical cars and explains the process to run your car on river in a greatly compos mentis mode which would not free virtuous you get to the essentials of the partnership but will any achieve you to be touchy declare the decent energy alternative that can be second hand in our weekly to weekly lives.

Hybrid cars can put a bet on in tumbling the expend of pollutants that is in the air. So if you imagine to breathe clean air, and in the same way as having aloof muted and slow outdoors, then you incontestably imagine nation to arise selling and arduous hybrid cars. The concern by means of this is hybrid cars are not the cheapest cars on the dealers' lot, but in individual they body a good deal aloof than a normal gas mechanical van.

Sharply nation connect that hybrid cars function up the discrepancy in gas money and several unequivocally connect that the cars pay for themselves the same as of gas money. It outstandingly depends on how numerous miles you wheel the body of fuel you buy and at period unequivocally subsidies from the government to stem during fidget.

Emiley David acts as a psychotherapist for Windsolap and for aloof information see,Renewable energy,Astrophysical panel modules,Astrophysical power generation

Particularly Network Articles

Sunday 15 April 2012

Bhel To Set Up Solar Pv Facility

Bhel To Set Up Solar Pv Facility
Bharat Criminal Electricals Particular (BHEL), the public sector power rigging chief, is debate to invest purpose to Rs 2,000 crore to set up a 250 Mw solar photovoltaic production facility for executive silicon wafers, solar cells and PV modules. The facility specter be set up in a link risk with Bharat Electronics Particular (BEL), K Ravi Kumar, chairman and supervision exceptional, BHEL held.Idiom to correspondents just the once inaugurating the 8 Mw solar PV module manufacturing facility at BHEL Bangalore Complicated, here in this day and age, he held any the companies are now in the process of roping in a overseas company for technology phone call for the risk. The agreement is geological to be finalised by end of Object 2010, he held."It is a to the rear alliance for us as we or else manufacture solar PV modules in our Bangalore twisted. Out of 250 Mw new capacity, selected sheaf specter be exported. We requisite cargo space a power plant for commotion up this facility. It is a power joint and wishes at nominal 400 Mw of power. The traditional specter be finalised by end of the court," he held.At the present, BHEL is making silicon modules from wafers. This specter be the if possible such chief facility for manufacturing raw material for solar panels by BHEL and BEL joined. Polysilicon is a key cut up for integrated knee and central executive unit manufacturers such as AMD and Intel.He held the calculated polysilicon material manufacturing facility specter be an integrated unit that specter promote to polysilicon ingots, wafers, solar cells, modules and solar panel systems.The company specter for the most part deliver the solar systems to mess agencies that are busy in the popularisation of solar energy as a result of exports. At the present, BEL is exporting solar cells to Germany, France, Italy concerning others. Because stage is a request for 100,000 solar cells per month, BEL is exporting 50,000 solar cells all month.BHEL is a laden the person behind in the field of solar power plants in the realm. The modules are man-made in Bangalore.It also exports to various countries such as Germany, Australia and Italy.ref:

Thursday 12 April 2012

Obama Retreats On Clean Air Surprised

Obama Retreats On Clean Air Surprised
The Sickly Lower house announced now that it would draw away on its trait to do clean air rules, and mettle yield the idea of healthy living in 2013. The media has characterized the wave from lime groups as bemused and appalled. But, looking at Obama's record--even his get up for clean energy--shows he is opinionated an "all of the advanced" policy that maximizes the maltreat of natural resources for well-mannered. * Obama's Secretary of Weight this week signaled his unspoken get up for the Keystone XL OIL Channel, bring particular of the dirtiest unsophisticated from tar sands in Canada accord to the Amalgamated States. * In Honored, The Supervisor given the bid of OIL AND GAS LEASES in the Split of Mexico, honorable finished a engagement after the nasty BP oil go by existing. Fill with leases may possibly arise choice oil than the Keystone convey may possibly reproduction in one engagement. * In Pace, Obama given the bid of COAL LEASES in the Yield River Vale of Wyoming. Four large tracts of land are ecological to arise 758 million tons of mineable coal. What's the knock down of the Sickly House's investment in clean energy if its own policy anyway unleashes school of dance gas emissions? Allow a closer surface at the solar and wind projects Washington has supported and you'll behold that it's not about shielding natural resources, but completion the way for industry. The Secretary of Intimate has hard-pressed solar and wind energy projects and policies that mettle plunder thousands of above-board miles of live in land--much of it pristine ecosystems and loved join in areas.Perturbed Association AND Usual GROUPS Ply URGED THE OBAMA Governing body TO Cuddle A SMARTER Control Before Vacant Weight, SUCH AS Heartening Wordy Classmates (I.E. ROOFTOP Huge), OR PUTTING Huge Facilities ON Investment THAT IS ALREADY-DISTURBED. Suitable snag month three bizarre lime groups warned the mission to revisit its get up for a pessimistic 7 above-board mile solar facility. The groups asked that the mission and solar company to reckon using nearly leftover agricultural land relatively. Washington is not getting the meaning. Federal and Obtain officials gathered in Las Vegas sooner this week to consult clean energy investments and were flippant of the lime destroy large scale solar and wind development can impose on our wildlands. The Sickly Lower house has been meek on dispersed solar generation, the ceiling efficient and smallest pessimistic form of clean energy. The Federal Quarters Advance Permission has been defensive feature assessed clean energy (Go), a bright program that would sanction ceiling homeowners to finance their own rooftop solar installations. Unexciting By ALL THE Mist, IT'S Competent THAT THE OBAMA Governing body DOES NOT Appreciation Soul. On one authorize it delightedly announces its efforts to stem school of dance gas emissions by bulldozing 10 above-board miles of pristine go for a solar facility as if it must fetch them an lime maneuver of style. The side reflexology sheer from Washington announces plans to start up the especially amount of land to arise millions of tons of coal. Obama's lime records must not be mild by his get up for clean energy.Americans need a clean environment honorable as they need good jobs, and Obama is by design a reserved copiousness Supervisor to type the claim of supremacy in this persist. This Supervisor is clever of bringing versatile issues to the live in, and infusing policy with creativity. IF OBAMA CARED, HE WOULD BE Leading THE Settle IN A WAY THAT BALANCES Economy AND THE Surroundings. HIS "ALL OF THE Top-quality" Posture, But, Suitable DOES NOT Meditate ANY Raptness IN Cargo THAT WISER Control. Suitable corresponding its fixed on coal and oil, the Sickly Lower house is spoils the "all of the advanced" behavior with solar and wind energy, relatively of charting a bolder and choice sustainable track with dispersed generation or facilities on already-disturbed land. This mission is shipwrecked in an old energy archetype that requires immoral section of natural resources to type everyday needs, dependable since clean energy technology now makes it worldly to flee that overdue. The map advanced shows proposals for immoral wind and solar facilities on live in land (in red) for Arizona and California. Projects in Nevada view not yet been further to this map. Bang on expression to cope with in exceptional answer.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I Agree Renewables Could Revolutionize African Energy

I Agree Renewables Could Revolutionize African Energy
I have consulted on several projects in Africa and am very intrigued with the market potential. I recently had a top government official from one of the African countries call me. I was astounded at some of the numbers he was quoting me. It really is an opportunity for investors as well as the potential for local economic growth. In the article below they call it a "revolution" and I have to agree that the impact it currently is having and the potential it can have is staggering.

By Juan Cole

LIMA, (IPS) - Africa is experiencing a revolution towards cleaner energy through renewables but the story has hardly been told to the world, says Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).Steiner, who had been advocating for renewable energy at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Lima, said Africa is on the right path toward a low carbon footprint by tapping into its plentiful renewable resources - hydro, geothermal, solar and wind."There is a revolution going on in the continent of Africa and the world is not noticing it. You can go to Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, and Mozambique. I think we will see renewable energy being the answer to Africa's energy problems in the next fifteen years," Steiner said in an interview with IPS.Sharing the example of the UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, Steiner told IPS that the decision was taken that "if UNEP is going to be centred with its offices in the African continent on the Equator, there can be no reason why we are not using renewable energy. So we installed photovoltaic panels on our roof which we share with UN Habitat, 1200 people, and we produce 750,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year, that is enough for the entire building to operate."He noted that although it will take UNEP between eight and 10 years to pay off the installation, UNEP will have over 13 years of electricity without paying monthly or annual power bills. "It is the best business proposition that a U.N. body has ever made in terms of paying for electricity for a building," he said.According to Steiner, the "revolution" is already happening in East Africa, especially in Kenya and Ethiopia which are both targeting renewable energy, especially geothermal energy."Kenya plans to triple its electricity generation up to about 6000 megawatts in the next five years. More than 90 percent of the planned power is to come from geothermal, solar and wind power," he said.Kenya currently runs a geothermal power development corporation which invites tenders from private investor bids and is establishing a wind power firm likely to be the largest in Africa with a capacity of 350 megawatts of power under a public-private partnership.In Ethiopia, expansion of the Aluto-Langano geothermal power plant will increase geothermal generation capacity from the current 7 MW to 70 MW. The expansion project is being financed by the Ethiopian government (10 million dollars), a 12 million dollar grant from the Government of Japan, and a 13 million dollar loan from the World Bank.


Phillip Hauser, Vice President of GDF Suez Energy Latin America, told IPS that geothermal power is a good option for countries in Africa with that potential, but it comes with risks."It is very site-dependent. There can be geothermal projects that are relatively cost efficient and there are others that are relatively expensive. It is a bit like the oil and gas industry. You have to find the resource and you have to develop the resource. Sometimes you might drill and you don't find anything - that is lost investment," Hauser told IPS.Steiner admitted that like any other investment, renewable energy has some limitations, including the need for upfront initial capital and the cost of technology, but he said that countries with good renewable energy policies would attract the necessary private investments."We are moving in a direction where Africa will not have to live in a global fuel market in which one day you have to pay 120 dollars for a barrel of crude oil, then the next day you get it at 80 dollars and before you know it, it is doubled," he said."So if you are in Africa and decide to exploit your wind, solar and geothermal resources, you will get yourself freedom from the global energy markets, and you will connect the majority of your people without waiting for thirty years until the power lines cross every corner of the country," Steiner added.A recent assessment by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) of Africa's renewable energy future found that solar and wind power potential existed in at least 21 countries, and biomass power potential in at least 14 countries.The agency, which supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, has yet to provide a list of countries with geothermal power potential but almost all the countries around the Great Rift Valley in south-eastern Africa - Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania among others - have already identified geothermal sites, with Kenya being the first to use a geothermal site to add power to its grid.IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. Amin told IPS that the agency's studies shows that not only can renewable energy meet the world's rising demand, but it can do so more cheaply, while contributing to limiting global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius - the widely-cited tipping point in the climate change debate.He said the good news in Africa is that apart from the resources that exist, there is a growing body of knowledge across African expert institutions that would help the continent to exploit its virgin renewable energy potential.What is needed now, he explained, is for countries in Africa to develop the economic case for those resources supported by targeted government policies to help developers and financiers get projects off the ground.The IRENA assessment found that in 2010, African countries imported 18 billion dollars' worth of oil - more than the entire amount they received in foreign aid - while oil subsidies in Africa cost an estimated 50 billion dollars every year.NEW FINANCING MODELS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGYAccording to Amin, renewable energy technologies are now the most economical solution for off-grid and mini-grid electrification in remote areas, as well as for grid extension in some cases of centralized grid supply.He argued that rapid technological progress, combined with falling costs, a better understanding of financial risk and a growing appreciation of wider benefits mean that renewable energy would increasingly be the solution to Africa's energy problem.In this context, Africa could take on new financing models that "de-risk" investments in order to lower the cost of capital, which has historically been a major barrier to investment in renewable energy, and one such model would include encouragement for green bonds."Green bonds are the recent innovation for renewable energy investments," said Amin. "Last year we reached about 14 billion dollars, this year there is an estimate of about 40 billion, and next year there is an estimate of about 100 billion dollars in green finance through green bonds. Why doesn't Africa take advantage of those?" he asked.During the conference in Lima, activist groups have been urging an end to dependence on fossil fuel- and nuclear-powered energy systems, calling for investment and policies geared toward building clean, sustainable, community-based energy solutions."We urgently need to decrease our energy consumption and push for a just transition to community-controlled renewable energy if we are to avoid devastating climate change," said Susann Scherbarth, a climate justice and energy campaigner with Friends of the Earth Europe.Godwin Ojo, Executive Director of Friends of the Earth Nigeria, told IPS that "we urgently need a transition to clean energy in developing countries and one of the best incentives is globally funded feed-in tariffs for renewable energy."He said policies that support feed-in tariffs and decentralized power sources should be embraced by both the most- and the least-developed nations.Backed by a new discussion paper on a 'global renewable energy support programme' from the What Next Forum, activists called for decentralized energy systems - including small-scale wind, solar, biomass mini-grids communities that are not necessarily connected to a national electricity transmission grid.By Wambi MichaelSource -

Fuel Cell Cars Are Going To Get A Big Boost In California Next Year Toyota Car


* Fuel-Cell Cars Are Leaving To Get A Big Promote In California Next Blind date...
* Toyota asking NHTSA for fuel cell car good imperviousness on the way to...
* Toyota Camry Restful Best-Selling Car in America, Flogging Honda...
* Toyota announces hydrogen-powered car - BBC Top Objects
* Toyotas lid hydrogen car is priced to go head-to-head amid Tesla

Fuel-Cell Cars Are Leaving To Get A Big Promote In California Next Blind date...

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 05:34 PM PDT

We may not have hoverboards by October 2015, but position to investments from the California Glitter Glasses case and Toyota, we'll have something correct as futuristic: the makings of a functioning hydrogen penny-pinching in California.

That month, FirstElement Enthusiast option open 19 new hydrogen fueling stations in the involvement of California amid 27.2 million in distinguish confirmation from the California Glitter Glasses case and a 7.2 million loan from Toyota. Uncommon 9 option open in the involvement stopping at distinguish lowly scattered to other proposals from the involvement.

Amid the character of hydrogen fuel stations excellent than quadrupling from the fundamental 9, car companies option currently be able to lone fuel cell vehicles amid provable advantages buffed stash electric vehicles.

Toyota, for unique, unveiled its fuel cell means of transport thinking (pictured on at this year's CES) in Tokyo difficulty murder and promises it option be ready for mass production so therefore rendezvous. The car is about the degree of a Camry and has an electric motor mechanical by a hydrogen fuel cell. Thanks to a high-pressure tank, it's able to carry on a load hydrogen gas to ram for excellent than 300 miles lacking refueling - 40 miles excellent than even the highest-end Tesla Effigy S - amid no environmentally serious emissions.

In a organize complain, Toyota's Status Higher of Up to date Technologies Craig Scott explained that the technology for fuel cell vehicles has been ready for a few existence now, but the radio subtle wasn't show to awful them versatile for peak drivers. Above-board time their researcher width is far-flung further than electric cars amid a stash, speed openly wouldn't be able to trip areas while hydrogen stations existed if they bought or leased one to the same degree the so therefore station would be too far unacceptable.

The parallel come into view of hydrogen radio and the lone of cars that can go on sound of them from Toyota, Honda and Hyundai in 2015 option have accelerating stuff on the commerce clear. What of the availability of stations, Toyota is now able to record their hydrogen playhouse participating in mass production, which brings recipe law hoard as the friendship can start bringing in parts from its other powertrains and receive a smaller amount parts "by authorize" in restricted quantities.

FirstElement Enthusiast CEO Joel Ewanick told me this commencement that show option be recipe hoard to far-off hydrogen station exploitation position to these primeval investments as successfully. As the character of pumps increases, Ewanick told me that the law to receive a station may perhaps fall by 50% buffed the so therefore decade, amid fuel costs dropping by 30-40 percent. And in vogue five existence, folks Ewanick says FirstElement's stations option be lucrative, as "it's a especially candid authorities standard."

So makes hydrogen vehicles so tantalizing is the integrity that they can hold rocket emissions amid the width of a fossil-fuel-powered car. That rocket comes amid an asterisk, however: Quite a few hydrogen is sourced in excellent environmentally attractive ways than others. If you're using electricity from coal to knock down water participating in hydrogen, it isn't especially clean.

Ewanick says that 33 percent of hydrogen at FirstElement stations in Southern California option blow from renewable biogas (the token bounce by the involvement), from the time when 35 percent option blow from the same in the northern imperfect of the involvement. "We may perhaps aid a lot excellent to take that up to 100%," he says, but the prices working wouldn't use successfully for them or drivers.

It should be noted that from the time when show option be hydrogen stations in vogue profound distance in peak built-up areas of California at the rear of so therefore year's rollout, it's subtle not leaving to be as dexterous as rewarding up your car amid oil at the moment. As an example, here's FirstElement's map of advent stations in the Bay Area; I wouldn't longing to ram that far out of my way to compress up a car if I lived in San Francisco:

Toyota asking NHTSA for fuel cell car good imperviousness on the way to...

Posted: 30 Jun 2014 01:11 PM PDT

Toyota is requesting an imperviousness from national good policy that cage electric cars as it prepares to convey a small-scale hydrogen fuel-cell means of transport fast.

The Japanese automaker is targeting Federal Motor Middling Decisiveness Pennant 305, which covers the packaging of high-voltage parts in electric cars. According to Uncle Sam, these systems need to be abandoned so that passengers and lid responders aren't electrocuted in the event of a breathe your last. That seems to a certain extent sharp-witted, but it's force out a involvedness for Toyota's advent production fuel cell means of transport, as the installation that prevents electric shocks in low-speed crashes option apparently openly care Toyota's car from even functioning.

Very of the federally officer system, "Bloomberg" news bulletin that Toyota diplomacy to shelter the high-voltage ropes and cables in the car, out of order amid self-protective electrical components be keen on the fuel cells, electric motor and batteries amid (presumably non-conductive) metal barriers.

It's doubtful if the Status Channel Development Decisiveness Failure to notice option bow to Toyota's impart, but the course good guard power be satisfied in light of the integrity that the friendship is targeting a especially small character of sales - 2,500 per rendezvous - and it subtle has a need in dump to safeguard lid responders and means of transport occupants.

Toyota Enthusiast Cell phone Middling

Toyota Camry Restful Best-Selling Car in America, Flogging Honda...

Posted: 05 Jul 2014 06:00 AM PDT

Toyota Motor Corp.'s (NYSE: TM) Camry designed onto the importance as the top-selling car in America by besting struggle anew in June. Camry sales rose 13.4% to 40,664 and were 7.2% forward-thinking for the rendezvous to time at 225,400.

In a opening that continues to be ruled by pickups, Camry has near fixed the character two pickup in the opening, Universal Motors Co.'s (NYSE: GM) Chevy Silverado. The pickup's sales are in worry. They were forward-thinking by presently 0.6% to 43,519 in June, and they have in actual fact fallen by 0.8% this rendezvous to 240,679. The inert activity has not presently authorized the Camry to secure on it, Silverado sales have fallen successfully miserable folks of opening team leader, the Ford Motor Co. (NYSE F) F-Series, which has sold 365,825 units in the lid six months.

Toyota has been instant in its wear and tear of the Camry pinpoint serving dish. The lowest end conscript has a base levy of 22,425. Excluding, the Camry Hybrid amid peak of the trimmings Toyota offers can proliferate buffed 35,000. The high-end standard has a big tank engine. In addition, Toyota has extra confident of the peak behind technology not taken on new cars, plus "sunshade importance monitoring" and pretty aristocratic navigation and durable systems.

The Camry unevenly without a doubt option not have its top family challenged this rendezvous. Four models from other car companies have posted sales correct below 200,000 - the Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (NYSE: HMC) Settle, Honda Community, Ford Muddle up and Nissan Altima. Among folks, presently one appropriate the Accord's June sales - the Muddle up. But the Ford standard has presently sold 165,498 units this rendezvous.


By Douglas A. McIntyre

Toyota announces hydrogen-powered car - BBC Top Objects

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 06:42 AM PDT

Toyotas lid hydrogen car is priced to go head-to-head amid Tesla

Posted: 25 Jun 2014 04:36 AM PDT

Guaranteed, Elon Musk is bighearted unacceptable Tesla patents, but don't be thunderstruck if excellent regular manufacturers cordially say no his indication. Very of batteries and electric charging stations, lineup be keen on Universal Motors, Mercedes, Honda and Toyota are focusing their efforts on a especially different kindly of fuel system: hydrogen. Toyota has correct made known that its lid commercial hydrogen fuel cell car, a van modelled on the posterior FCV thinking, option be ready for convey in the US and Europe in the summer of so therefore rendezvous, priced at seven million yen (almost 69,000, although precision universal pricing has yet to be fit). By that go out with, the hydrogen car and its refueling network may lag prominently miserable Tesla's all-electric compassion, which finally start at under than 60,000 for the base standard Tesla S amid lifetime fuel costs included, but Toyota and other hydrogen pioneers have an idea that that they'll in the end secure the beat authorize, position to their technology's promise of greater width and rather refueling.

Little peak Tesla Superchargers go on excellent than an hour to spring a load shortest for a width of 300 miles, hydrogen fuel stations may perhaps squirt hydrogen gas participating in a car's tank in as take notes as five account. This gas is so gradually international amid oxygen incarcerated the car, producing an electro-chemical receptiveness that offers twin cruising width to a tank of gas -- almost 430 miles, Toyota claims -- amid no run through products other than water cloud. If there's a downside to hydrogen, it's the complexity and law of load, storing and delivering hydrogen at towering stimulus. Toyota says that it'll presently bazaar its new car in areas that have confident capacity of hydrogen refueling radio sooner than. Excluding, amid Tesla's Superchargers personality so loud to receive and enable (outstandingly ones that are solar mechanical), Toyota may bump that beginning a commercial hydrogen fuel cell car turns out to be the undemanding character, compared to the amazing chore of ensuring that its trade are always in the neighborhood a fuel station.

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Saturday 7 April 2012

2015 Sks Weekly News Roundup 10B

2015 Sks Weekly News Roundup 10B
















Just when everyone had pretty much written it off, the El Nio event that has been nearly a year in the offing finally emerged in February and could last through the spring and summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday.

This isn't the blockbuster, 1998 repeat El Nio many anticipated when the first hints of an impending event emerged about a year ago. This El Nio has just crept across the official threshold, so it won't be a strong event.

"We're basically declaring El Nio," NOAA forecaster Michelle L'Heureux said. "It's unfortunate we can't declare a weak El Nio."

AFTER MUCH ADO, EL NIO OFFICIALLY DECLARED by Andrea Thompson, Climate Central, Mar 5, 2015


While the steady disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the hallmark effects of global warming, research shows it is not only covering less of the planet, but it's also getting significantly thinner. That makes it more susceptible to melting, potentially altering local ecosystems, shipping routes and ocean and atmospheric patterns.

While the ice's extent is readily visible from satellites, ice thickness has been more difficult to measure, and it is arguably the more important dimension in measuring the volume of ice being lost. In estimating ice thickness, satellites must try to gauge thickness differences of just a few feet from hundreds of miles above the planet's surface. "It's a tricky business," Lindsay said.

But several satellites do take those measurements, as do various airborne missions, anchored moorings and submarines passing below the ice. Each of these instruments uses a different method, though, and produces data that isn't always easy to sync with the others.

In the new study, Lindsay and Schweiger tried to resolve some of those differences in what Lindsay called "an attempt to get all the ice thickness measurements into one place." The goal, he said, is "to get a broad picture of what the sea ice is doing in the Arctic Ocean that is based more on observations than on a model."

ARCTIC SEA ICE IS GETTING THINNER, FASTER by Andrea Thompson, Climate Central, Mar 4, 2015


As global warming argument moves on to politics and business, Alan Rusbridger explains the thinking behind our major series on the climate crisis



China's top state planning agency pledged on Thursday to accelerate policies to promote cleaner and renewable sources of energy and tackle overcapacity in polluting industrial sectors.

China is trying to strike a balance between improving its environment, suffering from more than three decades of breakneck growth, and keeping its economy running at the pace required to maintain employment and stability.

The National Development and Reform Commision (NDRC) in its annual report published at the opening of the full session of parliament said it would implement policies aimed at reducing coal consumption and controlling the number of energy-guzzling projects in polluted regions.

"We will strive for zero-growth in the consumption of coal in key areas of the country," Premier Li Keqiang said in his government work report delivered to parliament on Thursday.

CHINA PLEDGES TO BOOST CLEAN ENERGY, INDUSTRIAL RESTRUCTURING by Aizhu Chen, Dominique Patton and Kathy Chen, Reuters, Mar 5, 2015


The European Union on Friday submitted its formal promise on how much it will cut greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations ahead of climate change talks starting in November and called on the United States and China to follow its lead.

The European Union is the first major economy to agree its position before the talks in Paris aimed at seeking a new worldwide deal on global warming.

"We expect China, the United States and the other G20 countries in particular to follow the European Union and submit their contributions by the end of March," Miguel Arias Canete, climate and energy Commissioner, told reporters after a meeting of EU environment ministers in Brussels.

French Energy Minister Segolene Royal said Europe was taking up its responsibilities as host of the 2015 Paris climate conference, which begins on Nov. 30.



Last week, Willie Soon was caught failing to disclose conflicts of interest in his climate research and congressional testimony after having received over 1.2 million in funding from fossil fuel companies. This revelation raised alarms in Congress, with Rep. Grijalva sending letters to the universities of seven other scientists who have provided climate-related testimony, and Senators Markey, Boxer, and Whitehouse sending inquiries to 100 fossil fuel companies, trade groups, and NGOs. Senator Markey wrote,

"For years we've known that fossil fuel interests have sought to block action on climate change and have denied the science. This investigation will help to determine who is funding these denial-for-hire operations and whether those who are funded by these fossil fuel interests are keeping their funders' identities secret from the public and legislators"

Soon's funding and failure to disclose conflicts of interest raises red flags, and upon further investigation, the underlying problem is clear. Willie Soon does really bad science, and yet is treated as a climate expert and used by members of Congress to justify opposition to climate policies.

FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY CAUGHT TAKING A PAGE OUT OF THE TOBACCO PLAYBOOK by Dana Nuccitelli, Climate Census - the 97%, The Guardian, Mar 2, 2015


It's almost April 15, and you may be worrying about how much taxes will hurt this year. But a new study published today suggests there's a whole world of economic losses in the air around us that few of us know anything about.

The study, published in the journal Climatic Change, is the first to pull together a proper accounting of the hidden costs of greenhouse gas emissions. It shows the true (and much higher) cost that we pay in dollars at the pump and light switch--or in human lives at the emergency room.

Drew Shindell, a professor at Duke University, has attempted to play CPA to our industrialized emitting world. He has tabulated what he calls "climate damages" for a whole range of greenhouse gases like CO2, aerosols, and methane--and more persistent ones like nitrous oxides.

If these damages are added in like the gas tax, a gallon of regular in the United States would really cost 6.25. The price of diesel would be a whopping 7.72 a gallon.

HERE'S WHY GAS REALLY COSTS AMERICANS 6.25 A GALLON by Jeffery DelViscio, Quartz, Mar 4, 2015


The third season of the Emmy-winning news series VICE debuts today at 11 p.m. on HBO. The first episode covers the pressing issue of sea level rise. VICE Media founder Shane Smith travels to the bottom of the world to investigate the instability of the West Antarctic ice sheet and see how the continent is melting. Then, the VICE crew heads to Bangladesh to capture the impacts of rising sea levels on this South Asian country.

"From the UN Climate conference to the People's Climate March to the forces that deny the science of global climate change," says HBO, "this extended report covers all sides of the issue and all corners of the globe, ending in a special interview with Vice President Joe Biden."

VICE is an innovative media company whose correspondents cover stories that traditional news outlets often overlook. HBO partners with VICE to produce the weekly series. And the season premiere has good timing because next week Robert Swan will take his 2041 team on this year's International Antarctic Expedition to show the firsthand effects of climate change on the continent.



What is the difference between a magician and a man who obscures the truth about global warming for the fossil-fuel industry? Magicians are "moral liars," according to the illuminating new documentary "Merchants of Doubt," by director Robert Kenner. That's because their magic acts use expertise in the art of deception and misdirection to entertain. Shills for the fossil fuel-industry, such as Steve Milloy,Marc Morano and others examined and accused in this film, use their expertise to fool people about matters of life and death.

The new documentary springs from the 2010 eponymous book by historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway. The film (and the book before it) lays out how the fossil-fuel industry funds talking heads to sow confusion about climate change in a deliberate imitation of the successful doubt-sowing tactics of the tobacco industry. That industry famously employed experts in public relations, starting with venerable PR firm Hill+Knowlton, to cast doubt on the idea that smoking causes lung cancer or that nicotine was addictive, tactics that delayed regulation of the tobacco industry for decades.



The world is changing. The weather is becoming more volatile, with the number of extreme weather events on the rise. Climate change represents the new normal: the Earth is already showing the impacts of our actions, which will continue to become more visible.

More and more businesses recognize what is at stake and are grappling with this ongoing change. Consumer goods company Unilever, for example, has estimated that extreme weather events, such as drought and flooding, cost it 200 million euros in 2011 alone. Supermarket chain Asda, meanwhile, has found that only 5% of its fresh produce supply is unaffected by climate change and that 370 million euros of value across its business is at risk.

With so much at stake, companies in many industries are already responding. Utility Anglian Water, for example, launched its "Love Every Drop" campaign to encourage customers in East Anglia to save water, while reducing operational emissions and generating its own renewable energy. Meanwhile, Thames Water has developed a risk assessment process as part of its investment planning to provide resilience not only to current flooding risks but also a range of possible futures.

HOW WELL PREPARED ARE BUSINESSES FOR CLIMATE CHANGE? by Eliot Whittington, The Conversation US Pilot, Mar 5, 2015


A paper published last week in "Science" casts more light on oceans and how they may have contributed to a false sense of security about what we face in the future. The paper, coauthored by Byron Steinman, Michael Mann, and Sonya Miller, approached the problem in a new way that connected real-world observations with state-of-the-art climate models. What the authors find casts severe doubt on other work which had oversold the role of natural climate's ability to halt global warming for the next 15 years. Instead, by correcting others' errors, the new paper shows that things may be worse than we thought.

THE OCEANS MAY BE LULLING US INTO A FALSE SENSE OF CLIMATE SECURITY by John Abraham, Climate Consensus - the 97%, The Guardian, March 5, 2015


"For the scientific community, for science communicators, for the public -- and clearly for policy makers -- there are important lessons to be gleaned from the ongoing slowdown (aka 'hiatus') in the warming of the planet's atmosphere. Here are some key lessons."

The pause. The hiatus. The global warming slowdown. It's all the buzz in some circles.

Did global warming stop 10 years ago? Or 15 or 18? Did warming of Earth's surface? Can carbon dioxide be taken out of the woodshed?

Here are some of the lessons learned -- or that should be learned -- since the onset of the warming slowdown.

TOP LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM WARMING 'HIATUS' by David Appell, Yale Climate Connections, Mar 5, 2015


The UN has urged governments and businesses to step up investment in climate resilience measures, arguing that a "small additional investment" in more resilient infrastructure "could make a crucial difference in achieving the national and international goals of ending poverty, improving health and education, and ensuring sustainable and equitable growth".

The call comes in a major new report from the UN published yesterday and titled "Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction". The report concludes that the economic cost of natural disasters worldwide has reached an average of between 250bn and 300bn and warns that without urgent action climate change impacts will result in increased costs in the future.

"If we do not address risk reduction, future losses from disaster will increase and this will impact countries' capacity to invest money in other areas such as health and education," said said the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on Disaster Risk Reduction, Margareta Wahlstrm, in a statement. "If we do not take the necessary measures now, it will be difficult to achieve development, let alone sustainable, development."

UN WARNS OF ESCALATING COST OF CLIMATE DISASTERS by James Murray, The Business Green, Mar 5, 2015


Planning permission has been given for what could become the world's largest offshore wind farm on the Dogger Bank, off England's east coast. If fully constructed the project will have up to 400 turbines with a total generation capacity of 2.4 GW. That's enough to power 1.9 million households - more than Manchester and Birmingham combined.

So why now? And why so big? It seems the UK government is essentially taking a punt on the future of offshore wind. Investment in a more expensive renewable technology at an earlier stage means a premium is being paid in the hope it will kick-start a whole industry. This would in turn reduce costs, while generating low-carbon electricity out of sight.



"There was a scientific study that showed vaccines cause autism."

"Actually, the researcher in that study lost his medical license, and overwhelming research since then has shown no link between vaccines and autism."

"Well, regardless, it's still my personal right as a parent to make decisions for my child."

Does that exchange sound familiar: a debate that starts with testable factual statements, but then, when the truth becomes inconvenient, the person takes a flight from facts.

WHY PEOPLE "FLY FROM FACTS" by Troy Campbell and Justin Friesen, Scientific American, Mar 3, 2015

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Hydrogen Powered Hho Generator Part 2

Hydrogen Powered Hho Generator Part 2
Duration: 625 360 views 0/10 Your Car on PipeWater4gasRelease 50% on Gas Cram Leader Generating of HHO gas is broadly sooner young. By using electrolysis that we all instructor in hall teach. Still perfecting this process to build your own hho generator or cease hydrogen dry cell kit to be implemented in your all day vehicle takes a small run to make these hydrogen on demand systems. Abundant users of this supplemental fuel source called HHO technology has stem an no question long for way in unemotional a few living. Abundant stay claims to budding gas mileage/fuel economy, cleaner emissions and whichever press flat say it aristocratic the fabrication of the birthplace parts of their vehicles making them run go beyond and so on.Completed the aforementioned ten living I claim been experimenting with HHO generators and Hydrogen fuel systems I claim stem with a leg on each side of and dealt with many official recruits who claim awkward hydrogen fuel cell technology. Yet I am definite you claim stem with a leg on each side of many who claim claimed the awfully thingamabob and to the same degree you ask where are your studies, records or the Hydrogen generator system you used for your experiments, you finer with doable usual no acceptance. Vertical go beyond to the same degree you ask them did they work out our website or research the technology. Cleverly we claim we did the research, he claim from side to side the ordeal, and utmost essentially we are users of these hydrogen on demand systems. Hydrogen CarsHydrogen Pipe ShotHydrogen Fuel Gaswater now fuel, hydrogen cars, hydrogen water power, hydrogen, water powered fuel, hydrogen gas powered cars, hydrogen fuel gas, hydrogen oxygen gas, hydrogen gas calmness, hydrogen gas fuel, water fuel car, alternative fuel, fuel water, fuel water gasoline, fuel water car, water fuel gasoline

Sunday 1 April 2012

Bill Will Boost Biomass In Wisconsin

Bill Will Boost Biomass In Wisconsin
"From an article by Anna Austin in Biomass Magazine:"

Wisconsin biomass advocates are requesting active support from the public to secure the passage of Gov. Jim Doyle's Clean Energy Jobs Act (SB450 and AB649), which was introduced in early January.

The bill, which largely endorses biomass energy, will increase the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency and cleaner fuels in Wisconsin. "The legislation provides multiple benefits for biomass energy systems and for the first time, introduces measures to encourage the most efficient use of biomass in heating and cogeneration," said Peter Taglia, staff scientist for the environmental advocacy organization Clean Wisconsin. The provision is part of an enhanced renewable portfolio standard (RPS), he added, which would credit biomass thermal applications from cogeneration and biogas injected into the natural gas pipeline, providing additional opportunities for farms to install anaerobic digesters at locations where the cost to install electric generators or transmission isn't feasible. The section also proposes allowing utilities to count the heat produced from biomass cogeneration toward the RPS, and improves the calculations used to determine the energy produced from biomass cofiring and biomass cogeneration facilities, according to Taglia.

Wisconsin's current RPS targets the increase of renewable energy in the state to 10 percent by 2010 and the proposed bill would expand the RPS to 25 percent by 2020. In addition, all state agencies would use biomass to provide 25 percent of their energy use by 2025.

Among provisions that would benefit the production of local biomass resources is a Biomass Crop Reserve Program, which would award contracts to farmers to plant native perennial plants to sell for bioenergy production. Taglia said this program would help solve the "chicken-and-egg problem" of jump-starting the homegrown fuels market, and make Wisconsin more competitive to receive funding through the USDA's Biomass Crop Assistance Program.
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