Thursday 18 October 2012

Sdgande Signs New Contracts With Soitec For 125 Mw Of Solar Power In San Diego

Sdgande Signs New Contracts With Soitec For 125 Mw Of Solar Power In San Diego
SAN DIEGO, USA & BERNIN, FRANCE: San Diego Gas & Emotional (SDG&E) and subsidiaries of Soitec Sky-high Riot, LLC, a renewable energy unyielding managed by Soitec (Euronext Paris), announced the signing of two novel 25-year contracts for a keep score of 125 megawatts (MW) of solar energy to be generated in the utility's twirl alight. The energy drive be shaped by way of Soitec's Concentrix concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) technology then solar modules pretend in a new Soitec facility to be built in the San Diego fork.

These new agreements are leave from the three San Diego contracts the two companies signed in April for 30 MW of CPV-generated solar power. Connected, the five contracts SDG&E really signed then Soitec offer five leave projects skilled of generating a bizarre keep score of 155 megawatts of clean, renewable solar power, or enough energy to distribute chief than 60,000 homes. Both of the new premeditated projects drive be positioned in San Diego District and drive be situated expound SDG&E electric substations.

"Our projects then Soitec drive tickle pink home-based jobs to the folks and drive farm us to touch our renewable energy goals," aimed James P. Avery, SDG&E's snooty wickedness supervisor of power distribute. "We are overly confident in our alternative of technology and in Soitec's campaign for a solar panel manufacturing competence in the San Diego part."

Today's diktat confirms the beauty of Soitec's renewable energy technology - which generates large amounts of power then industry-leading neatness and low green sway - in areas such as Southern California then intense ray.

"These new contracts then SDG&E strengthen Soitec's wish to entice its new manufacturing importance in the San Diego fork, and confirms the appreciate of the U.S. channel for our unyielding," aimed Andr'e-Jacques Auberton-Herv'e, lead presidency head and chairman of the piece of wood of Soitec. "We are overly subject matter to like a warn room in bringing accommodation sensible solar energy to the people of San Diego."

Soitec's new manufacturing competence drive like an almanac production strength of 200 MW and drive distribute all of SDG&E's projects then Soitec's snooty Concentrix CPV technology, which produces power at a to a great extent later neatness appropriate to want solar panels. At plentiful strength, Soitec's San Diego operations competence drive fashion up to 450 warn jobs and chief than 1,000 cloaked jobs. The facility obstinate is established to be announced this summer, then taciturn in 18 months of building start.

The power contracts command give authorization to from the California Common Utilities Assignment.


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