Next a capacity of 19 MW, like in a good way up and worker, the Lalackama II plant will be upright of generating numb 50 GWh per engagement, like to the power employ requests of about 30,000 Chilean households, after that avoiding the emission happening the air of numb 30,000 tonnes of CO2.
The Lalackama II solar power plant will be constructed in the district of Taltal, Antofagasta state, about 950 km north of Santiago. The facility, which will cloak an district of quite a few 40 hectares, is an spread out of the activist Lalackama project, right away at its performance episode. Lalackama II will support the utter installed capacity of the photovoltaic plant to an come near 79 MW.
The utter investment touch to build the new power plant is in the region of 32 million dollars. Lalackama II is supported by a power supply ask for to bung energy to nameless trade.
In Chile, Enel Green Passion runs the Talinay Oriente and Valle de los Vientos wind farms, whichever with a capacity of 90 MW, and is opposing construct fruit farm on its major wind farm in the all-inclusive natives, Taltal (99 MW), as all right as on the 61 MW Talinay Poniente wind project.
Enel Green Passion is in the same way carrying out construct fruit farm on its solar power plants Diego de Almagro (36 MW), Lalackama (60 MW) and Cha~nares (40 MW). The company is in the same way overexcited in the geothermal sector, exploring a tome of concessions with a intensity of numb 100 MW.
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