Thursday, 6 September 2012

Researchers Create First Solar Cells With Quantum Efficiency Of 114

Researchers Create First Solar Cells With Quantum Efficiency Of 114
This morning saw a solar breakthrough at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), where researchers created a quantum dot solar device that has a higher energized particle percentage output than its energized particle input. The photocurrent of a solar device -- photocurrent shows the efficiency of a solar cell -- is expressed as a percentage and is found by measuring the number of electrons flowing per second out of the solar cell divided by the number of photons per second of an energy entering the solar cell. NREL researchers have developed a solar cell that has a photocurrent of 114%, which is the most efficient ratio ever seen before.

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Post tags: Emits More Energy Particles Than it Absorbs, government renewable energy policy, green energy, how efficient are solar cells, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, new solar technology, renewable energy, renewable energy investment, Researchers Create Super Efficient Solar Cell, Solar Cell, solar cell efficiency, solar cell technology, solar energy innovation, solar power innovation, solar power technology, super efficient solar cell, uber solar cell


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