Thursday 7 January 2010

Find Out How You Can Benefit By Using Solar Energy

Find Out How You Can Benefit By Using Solar Energy

How Solar Energy works

Solar panels are made of solar PV (photovoltaics) cells. These cells collect energy from the sun and turn it into DC (direct current) electricity. The DC electricity is then converted into AC (alternative current) electricity which is used to power up appliances in your home.

Solar power is an environmentally friendly energy source which also has financial benefits for you. In this post we will take a look at various ways you will profit from using the free energy from the sun.

Reduce Your Energy Bill

When you generate electricity from solar power, you limit the amount of electricity you purchase from your provider, which results in a reduced energy bill at the end of the month. Not only that, but Florida's net metering system allows you to get credited for the energy your solar system has generated, but hasn't been used.

More often than not, your system will generate more electricity than you will use. You can export the excess electricity back to the grid and get credited for that amount at retail rates. The amount of electricity you export to the grid is either deducted from your monthly bill or is credited for a future bill within 12 months. If you don't use those credits within 12 months you will get paid by the electricity provider, but at a lower rate.

Federal and State Incentives

On a federal level, through the federal solar tax credit, you get 30 per cent tax credit. This means that you will save 30 per cent of the price of your solar system. This includes both installation and equipment costs. If your system is worth 20,000, you will save 6000.
The state of Florida stimulates residents to adopt solar energy by exempting solar systems from sales tax. This covers not only solar panels, but all components which are part of the system. If you want to read more about federal and state incentives for solar energy you can visit the database for state incentives for renewable and efficiency online.

Increased Home Value

Any improvement you make to your home adds to its value. Solar panels are no different. A case study in California showed that on average, the resale price of a house increases with 5000 for every kW of energy that the solar system produces for one year.

Another study showed that solar powered houses sell 20 per cent faster and up to 15 per cent over their original value. Since electricity prices are continuously rising, it is safe to assume that homes with renewable energy will see an increase in demand and price in the future.

Energy Independence

By generating electricity from solar energy, you will decrease your dependence from the electricity provider. Prices often fluctuate and there is a trend of increasing energy costs. It is easy to calculate how much energy your solar panels generate and you will have a constant price for the lifetime of the solar system. Most manufacturers give 20-25 years performance warranty on their panels. Nevertheless, most solar systems will generate a good amount of electricity for up to 45 years.

Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is a 100 per cent renewable energy source. The process of generating electricity from solar energy is silent and there are no greenhouse gas emissions or by-products which pollute the environment. You will lower your carbon footprint significantly. A typical residential solar system can save up to 100 000lbs of carbon dioxide emissions in the span of 20 years - comparable to driving a car for 100000 miles.

Solar energy provides many monetary benefits, like reducing your energy bills and improving your home value. Moreover, it gives you the satisfaction that you limit the effects of global warming and provide a better future for your children and generations to come.

If you want to read some more about solar energy, you may find useful.


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