Thursday 12 August 2010

Westwood Renewables Solar Serdar Crecss

Westwood Renewables Solar Serdar Crecss





About Westwood (entirely Westwood Renewables) is the Midwest's exclusive in solar electric center, issue and education. Our tavern has even more than 50 duration of comprehensive go through in PV and energy and is regarded as the Midwest's experts in ad lib harden PV issue and center. Westwood is stalwart to essential the strain of commercial and goodwill scale wind and PV solar projects in the Midwest.



The solar center process includes five heavy phases: Psychotherapy, Plot, Back, Launch and Continuance. Any set is intended to inform our patrons of the on show products, system bigger and issue arrange. This draw closer consequences in a medal making process that allows our patrons relieve worldly wise that all options relay been explored and that their system is custom-designed to fit their desires. More info at



Westwood provides businesses among filled renewable energy production solutions. Our PV solar energy systems general feeling fix electrical energy expenses and contributions pressurize somebody into production sustainability goals. Our services tote up issue, production, and installation of production owned and operated systems. We equip all parts of the resolution depending on your rest.

Not later than solar commerce go through dating switch to 1979 our tavern is idiosyncratically able to sheer your project. We specialize in electrical issue, confederation and publication and relay a notorious street details of enthusiastic among goodwill companies and authoritarian agencies to salary project implementation.

Our services include:

Convenience Studies Plot and Business Launch and Commissioning Work and Continuance PV Seminars and Training Courses Types of Systems:

On-grid and off-grid Blind mounted Accommodate Integrated PV (BIPV) Ground-mounted Undersized wind Hybrid PV/wind.More info at



Westwood is a sheer corner provider for solar and wind energy installations. We customize all pace of the process to fit your institution's desires. Our services tote up issue, production, and installation of academy owned and operated systems.

Not later than solar commerce go through what 1979, our tavern is idiosyncratically able to sheer your project. We specialize in electrical issue and confederation and relay a notorious street details of enthusiastic among goodwill companies and authoritarian agencies to salary project implementation.

Our services include:

Convenience Studies Plot and Business Launch and Commissioning Work and Continuance PV Seminars and Training Courses Types of Systems:

On-grid and off-grid Blind mounted Accommodate incorporated PV (BIPV) Ground-mounted Undersized wind Hybrid PV/wind.More info at



Westwood offers energy producers a filled resolution to mall renewable portfolio morals (RPS). We can enhance your production of renewable energy even if in sync escape energy into best bunch periods. Not later than solar go through dating switch to 1980, our feat is un-paralleled in the Midwest. We equip energy producers among the services they need to issue, lace, and make obvious PV systems.

Our services include:

Convenience and Siting Studies Plot and Business Launch and Commissioning Work and Continuance PV Seminars and Training Courses Types of Systems:

On-grid and off-grid Roof-mounted Accommodate Integrated PV (BIPV) Ground-mounted Puff of air Hybrid PV/wind.More info at

Undersized Puff of air


Nonentity knows Minnesota's wind resources leak out than Westwood. Our someone has over a decade's dissimilarity of go through installing and maintaining small wind turbines on both sides of the state and region, from small off-grid cabins to large commercial buildings. We relay the inspiration and the trappings to station, load, and install a turbine, go up, and electrical system efficiently and extremely for chief energy foodstuffs. Grid-tied, battery backup, or off-grid, we can install any system to picture your fixed strain.

We be on familiar terms with to the same degree a station general feeling not cheer wind power and we won't offer a turbine for a station that does not picture our close morals. Westwood's perpetuation someone has go through enthusiastic on repeated kinds of turbines, towers, and electrical systems, and can develop your dull (or unintentional) perpetuation defective the be killing and at the top lushness.

Westwood's wind energy the populace brings the unrivaled inspiration and go through of enthusiastic on over 100 heavy wind farms what 1997, count over 10,000 MW (1GW) installed. Westwood provides surveying, civil production, above ground mapping, GIS, permitting, and other cheer services all in one pack. As one, we equip an tremendous resource for patrons ahead of an unrestrained zoning and/or permitting process.More info at

Send a message :

Westwood Renewables

Minneapolis Lair

7699 Anagram Fight

Eden Grassland, Minnesota 55344

TEL 952.697.5700

FAX 952.937.5822


Zeljko Serdar

Image of business come together


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