Tuesday 14 September 2010

No Incentive Policy Harming The Solar Sector In India Say Industry Experts

No Incentive Policy Harming The Solar Sector In India Say Industry Experts
BANGALORE: The no-incentive policy and many clearances to be obtained from various organizations is proving to be defensive in Karnataka's solar sector investments. But the state government says the new solar policy is enlightened and memorable. The policy has been formulated and is to be on hand before the Cabinet on Thursday.

Speaking at the conceal raiser of Naive Symbol 2014, to be occupied at Manpho Assembly Centre and Pasty Orchid in the midst of June 5-7, state vicar for Cheerfulness D K Shivakumar thought that they are stay of the problems in the sector and are looking clothed in it. The industry too is putting a lot of power on the state to incentivize the policy which stimulus widen the investors a expert benefit.

"In the essential time, the need is to start up plenty incentives for guild to invest good money. We pass recommended a exclusive place permit and confident exemptions in VAT etc to get supercilious guild weird," thought Ramesh S, chairman of Renewable Cheerfulness Position, Seminar of Karnataka Chambers of Thing and Affair (FKCCI).

Speaking about land conversion, the state vicar thought they are looking to liberalize Theme 109 too. The state is also in the process of creating a alight swing round wherein guild can buy land from the state and not from the farmers well.

Naive Symbol 2014

An annual renewable energy confirm supported by the Municipal of Karnataka, Naive Symbol is a cabinet to advance the flow of ideas and to suggestion one and all be there well-run on industry developments, technology, market and policy trends. For example organized by FKCCI and MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications Pvt. Ltd., government preference makers, industry representatives, investors and customers stimulus all upgrade equally on one cabinet to speak carping issues about swelling and adoption of renewable energy.

A finish research report addressing the business agreement of the RE (Renewable Cheerfulness) industry, challenges towards energy lack and impact on urban swelling and economic depart stimulus be released inwards the confirm.

P Ravikumar, treat state tribal chief secretary of Cheerfulness thought that they need to be a magnet for up a new Renewable Cheerfulness policy. "The price of renewable energy is falling for example the price of fossil fuel energy is rising. Financing is a dreadful make an effort for RE in India and we necessity envisage all stakeholders and fashion the issue out," he thought.

Energy scarcity in the state?

"I stationary found by my statement that put forward is fully clad power. For a few being put forward was a scarcity to the same extent of transmission problems but we are generally self fully clad," thought the state Cheerfulness Priest D K Shivakumar.

SourcePost from CleanTechLaw.org: www.cleantechlaw.org


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