Saturday 27 November 2010

Alternative Energy Definition

Definitions of alternative energy on the Web:

* energy consequential from sources that do not use up natural resources or batter the environment
* Opportunity energy is frequently clear-cut as hope from sources that do not make poor natural resources or batter. Wind power is a typical example. The name alternative is used to alter with fossil fuels according to numerous energy
* Move consequential from any source other than fossil fuels; Move consequential from any renewable source; i.e other than fossil fuels or nuclear energy
* Opportunity energy refers to energy sources that are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of
* Move consequential from non-fossil fuels, and is usually environmentally moral, such as solar or wind
* Renewable energy sources, such as wind, assorted water, solar energy and biomass, which create lower than countrified impair and corruption than fossil fuels, and there an alternative to nonrenewable


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