Wednesday 24 August 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power Energy

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power Energy
Advantages of Solar Power Energy:

* The sun gives out free energy for many hours every day. If you can harness it, it's yours to use

* Solar power is a renewable resource that doesn't harm the earth with extraction such as oil and coal

* Unlike wind we can guarantee there will be sunshine in typical sunny places, guaranteeing power

* Once installed, solar panels can last up to 40 years, which means 40 years of extremely cheap or free energy

* Solar power can power many types of devices and tools such as hot water holders, so that coal need not be burnt to heat home water

* In many states, the solar power you don't use can be fed back to the local power grid, resulting in an energy bill credit or even a cash payment

* Solar energy systems are generally low or no maintenance, with strong guarantees by their manufacturers and almost zero costs in upkeep for decades

Disadvantages of Solar Power Energy:

* Up front costs can be high, up to 15-30,000 for a typical home. But many governments are offering tax credits these days to homeowners who install solar systems

* If you wish to be completely off-the-grid, there doesn't yet exist batteries powerful or efficient enough to store sufficient energy for nighttime use

* So the most power you can use must be during the day

* Likewise, weather can and will affect how much power can be harnessed

* If you don't live in a very sunny location, you may not be able to get enough power

* Solar panels can take up a lot of space, but roofs are very useful for this

* There has been stories of theft of solar panels in the news recently -- so secure your panels!


* Why Solar Makes Cents
* Even more reason to switch to solar: LA will pay homeowners for solar power
* Plug-and-play Solar Panels: Truly easy DIY Solar for your home
* People for Solar
* Solar power now more affordable than ever, say experts


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