Friday 16 March 2012

Get Rreal Solar Vs Fuel Poverty

Get Rreal Solar Vs Fuel Poverty
Home Energy, is a crippling financial burden for the:...... Poor,...... Fixed income Seniors, and...... Baby-Boomers.... This burden is increasing every year.It means, the conflicting needs of:...... Food,...... Medical care,...... Housing, and...... Warmth, are in even tighter competition.It means, an increase,... in the deterioration of the human condition,... for an ever-increasing portion of the human population.In light of these problems, we hypothesized that an investment in,... long term solutions, to the persistent problem of fuel poverty:...... Weatherization, (improving the efficiency of homes)...... Solar heating, (also reduces environmental impact).The Sun is our oldest and most basic source of energy. ... It is:...... Abundant,...... Ever-present, and...... FREE-to-you everyday.Solar energy holds great promise for our modern energy needs,... because it circumvents many of the problems surrounding our current,... mostly fossil fuel based, energy systems.01-17-2015 Source: Get RREAL: Solar VS Fuel Poverty Photo Gallery Solar APP


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