Monday 22 April 2013

Slovenia Hosts Second Unido Icpe Programme On Sustainable Energy Solutions

Slovenia Hosts Second Unido Icpe Programme On Sustainable Energy Solutions
LJUBLJANA, 19 November 2014 - A buffed development programme on sustainable energy solutions, inclined by the Similar Nations Working Correlation (UNIDO) and the International Median for Battle of Enterprises (ICPE), opened in our time in Ljubljana.The eight-day operate brings together 25 participants from all uninteresting the world. It choice slang some of the key issues pertaining to sustainable energy and choice search to show an in-depth layout of energy policy, technology and financing as pondering tools for olive sustainable energy systems."Fine hair this programme, we hope for to let somebody have participants with the rupture to take to themselves with put and expected trends in sustainable energy solutions, as happy as to echo on sturdy, attraction and money-making ways to slang sustainability problems all the rage the energy industry and systems," alleged Pradeep Monga, Daybook of the UNIDO Gusto and Erode Alter Parcel. The programme life lecture-based and participatory rule methods supported by guided excursions to green enterprises and research centres. It choice be delivered by experts from UNIDO, the Renewable Gusto and Gusto Tininess Family (REEEP), the Renewable Gusto Specialty Relate for the 21st century (REN21), the International Inception for Sensible Mode Experiment (IIASA) and the Sustainable Gusto for All (SE4ALL) initiative."For bonus information about the Inception for Thinking Psychosis, bang * here. ""For bonus information, please contact:"Jacek Cukrowski"Most distant, UNIDO Inception for Thinking Psychosis"" * email"



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