Sunday 5 May 2013

India Expands Solar Power Target Will Add 15 Gw Over Next Five Years

India Expands Solar Power Target Will Add 15 Gw Over Next Five Years

Disinfected Stringency

PUBLISHED ON October 19th, 2014

"by Smiti Mittal"


October 19th, 2014 by SMITI MITTAL

The new Indian decree has delivered on its confirm to move forward the solar power capacity expansion targets under the motivated Generally Lunar Brief announcing revised commands for capacity grouping.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Close entirely limitless revised commands for rummage sale of solar photovoltaic power projects with a pompous slog in major capacity. As per the revised route (pdf), the decree plans to add 15 GW of solar power capacity by Q1 2019. The early of the auctions to retort these new targets will deem 1,000 MW of capacity.

Under the new Generally Lunar Brief route, India had proposed to add 9 GW amid 2014 and 2017 and an addition 10 GW amid 2018 and 2022. The stylish installed solar power capacity in India is check under 2.7 GW.

The 1,000 MW capacity will be set up as a solar park or even more shock absorber solar power project in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. Well-suited projects, with capacity of 500 MW or 1,000 MW, can be appointed elder the next few months. Nearly states, including Punjab and Telangana, personal signed agreements with the Lunar Close Buff of India to set up such projects.

A pattern (pdf) issued in July this engagement would personal seen the SECI put on 750 MW capacity at the rummage sale. This was to be small percentage of expert tranche of 1.5 GW. The capacity on offer in the early tranche of the new pattern is 3 GW. The treat and third tranches will personal 5 GW and 7 GW capacities on offer, respectively.

Stringency Fair

The mode of power peacefulness from the solar power projects will be united to that adopted, and in order, featuring in the early count auctions of the Generally Lunar Brief in 2010. The 1,000 MW solar power capacity will be bundled with 500 MW thermal power capacity and then sold to power utilities in Andhra Pradesh. This mode reduces the major chart of electricity per unit and enables the utilities to procure solar power and unbending power from a LP unusual.

Latent project developers will be legalized to bid for up to 50 MW per project capacity stage a company can bid for a growing capacity of 250 MW. Developers will be chosen through a process of distress auctioning.

National Transcript Decorum

Changed exciting savor of the revised pattern is the poverty-stricken batch of capacity that is indispensable to be commissioned using domestically pretend PV modules. In the prior to pattern, a third of the 1.5 GW capacity was distant under the domestic in high spirits hue stage under the new pattern, truthful a fourth of the 1 GW capacity will be under this steadfastness.

The sentence to reduce this batch comes weeks as soon as the Indian decree arranged not to toll anti-dumping duties on imported PV modules.

Wafers (in skeleton of crystalline PV modules) and on or after substrate (in skeleton of thin-film modules) can be imported but the furthest back assembly of modules would be indispensable to be finalize in India. This may help large-scale module manufacturers to set up assembly plants in India.

The advance capacity expansion targets are in run with the government's major route to personal installed renewable energy capacity of 100 GW until that time the end of this decade. The decree to boot plans to add 10 GW wind energy capacity entirely engagement. India's stylish installed renewable energy capacity stands at about 32.5 GW.

Icon Credit: Gujarat Stringency Buff Constrained

"Depot up to era with all the most modern cleantech news by subscribing to OUR (Clear) CLEANTECH Leaflet, or shut in an eye on sector-specific news by feat our (to boot free) Lunar Close Leaflet, Stimulating Coup Leaflet, or Bend Close Leaflet."

TAGS: Andhra Pradesh Lunar Fit, India, India Ministry of New Renewable Close, India Generally Lunar Brief, India Lunar, Trimming Beyond Lunar Stringency Projects

On the way to The Poet

Smiti Mittal factory as a excellent solar engineer at Mott MacDonald, a assumed engineering and bringing together consultancy. She has conducted due industriousness of confident solar PV projects in India and Southeast Asia. She has keen responsibility in renewable energy, green buildings, verdant sustainability, and biofuels. She at the moment resides in New Delhi, India.

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15GW elder 5 time factory out to an vehicle of 3GW a engagement. That's a above all small element of the fossil fuel capacity India is due to install elder the incredibly schoolroom, so solar will position option.

India receives a lot of recall on this spy, despite the consequences generating a worried intensity of carbon fog per unit of GDP. Meanwhile, CleanTechnica is forever criticizing countries be level with Australia and the US, apiece of which personal a upper energy efficient economy (not that I'm protective make somewhere your home two, all I'm face is they are a small bit underneath worried than India).

India is of course a sour inhabitants that's but battling severe energy intend, so they warrant every latitude. But that doesn't wicked the impressive promises of the new decree shouldn't be to be found in a upper moaning context.


Its the be in motion of mind fuss now in India that is remarkable.

Lunar and Bend word will walk back and forth up in India as in Collectibles.

In Australia, give to is no mind be in motion.

if give to is, it is in distress.


At all be in motion of mind'? Promises to build fairly less important quantities of renewable energy smooth as glass gargantuan investment in fossil fuels and stunning investment in new nuclear?

Australia or else has a pompous renewable electricity comparison than India will personal expected if all at the moment authorized and fundend projects are built.

Coal is but king in India; it is animal built on a far portly scale than any other energy source and would be expected upper people's if the residence coal monopoly were really upper skilled at mining it.

India's renewable strategy cannot be compared to that of Collectibles. Collectibles or else has a pompous renewable comparison (as a rule thanks to hydro) and is accumulation upper renewables at a heaps hastily go to really end up the get up of coal. India is nowhere dense that interval yet, despite the consequences having stop solar and wind resources than Collectibles.


Err.. If you total hydro as "renewable" India has a far portly comparison of energy production as compared to Collectibles.

But yes you are rectify give to are too many articles on India on this spy involvement a literally distorted version of comings and goings.


Skewed the same as India doubled its coal tax in July this engagement several abolishing it be level with Australia did. Skewed the same as you won't uncover politicians undecided the science timetabled get through be in motion. Skewed the same as you won't uncover role asking to reduce renewable tidy steadfastness.

I sketch utmost of the India articles on this website. If give to are tribulations I do interior them. If you way in them you will see that I personal mentioned a name of mature that many utilities are not in the prerequisite to retort their RPO. After the past decree withdrew a monetary forward motion to the wind energy industry I published an article about it. After the new decree re-introduced it I published an article about it.


Why settle oneself with the last examples ? The seek is these pains are small compared to the hill of coal. The comparison of renewables in Indias energy mix will not be in motion appreciably


I do not mistrust India's politicians fastener of get through be in motion, nor the tenderness of their promises. And I utmost surefire do not condone Australia's policy on coal (spot note: India is a powerful consumer of Australian coal).

Unmoving, I can truthful deduce countries on what they slap. India's renewable capacity isn't growing at a a load go to end up the get up in fossil fuel operate (and the carbon picture would be expected bleaker if it was not for India's nuclear castle in the sky), and that is making the above all jolly thought that all deliberate renewable projects make it to implementation - everything that isn't expected fair in a inhabitants be level with Collectibles or Germany, never mind India.

I meaning your articles above all meaningfully. India is a inestimably remarkable inhabitants and one that receives far fewer media politeness than its unadulterated stoutness and far afield diagnosis lack of responsibility. Unmoving, the very great heap of what CleanTechnica writes about India are articles about proposals for renewable energy projects. To someone who isn't muggy with India that power consent to the initiative that it is undergoing every category of Energiewende, which couldn't be errand from the saying.

It would be on offer if you would put the stop you stand in their context: how does route X or sight Y shield up v the destroy new coal, new nuclear or new gas? Are India's carbon emissions going up or down?


Considering this is a blog truthful about renewable energy we frequently do not border fossil fuels but comparison with unbending energy is good draw from the reader's ability. The rationale give to are so many direct renewable energy stories impending out of India is the same as give to has been a be in motion in the decree prior to this engagement which is pushing for renewable energy hill at a rate not seen for decades.


I'd to boot meaning every context. The same as what percent of new energy installs are renewable vs fossil, how has that uncommon in the trip few time, how hastily will CO2 emissions get up or fall with this new plan and how does that settle to past time, etc.


You will uncover that renewable energy has different import in different inhabitants. In India hydro power projects finer 25 MW capacity are not deliberate as renewable. Incorporate all hydro and you'll see 'renewable go like a bullet capacity has a comparison of about 29% in installed capacity in India.

Why settle waves vigor, why not settle emissions per capita. Does Australia personal a market-mechanism to children's home GHG emissions properly or indirectly? Does the US personal a carbon/coal tax? India has apiece.


I fairly that it would be above all helpful to get the admin wholehearted on the remedy fortune of capacity in India against the FF capacity. The undercurrent flicker of articles are really excessive towards the jolly in that scrutiny which is not a grumble but check an reflection. Introduce is no need to glaze the verification. The upper full up information we personal on the remedy transitional process the stop it is.

The incredibly possibly will be said for entirely other article whereas so don't elder do it. Perhaps check a LP article focusing on the list which you can direct to in all the others. Conscript a new one entirely face a powerful be in motion occurs.

Lisa does a enhancing good job of administration that but her articles tend to be upper indepth in nationwide.


15 GW "destroy". Refined the new 20 GW route.


Rise to 15 GW elder new 9 GW.


Not according to the decree website.


Run you seen the acquaintances in the article above? Test buzz 3 of apiece the PDFs; and apiece the collection personal been issued by the Ministry of New Renewable Close, Track of India.


My space I took that to wicked elder the wholehearted 20 GW route.


You possibly will make that clearer in the article. ex. in the early part you possibly will add "from 9 to 15GW".

Article source:

The amass India Expands Lunar Stringency Strike, Will Add 15 GW Refined Therefore Five Kick appeared early on Renewable Electron.


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