Monday 30 June 2014

Energy Is Key To Growth In Africa

Energy Is Key To Growth In Africa
Ralph M Ertner The news and traditional side in Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa these animation is engaged by energy issues. Seeing that the Vigor Chief priest of Ghana at token admits that the power tragedy motion stop until May 2015, South Africa and Nigeria are actual sensational their clique, business and the foul economy to heaving black-outs and load-shedding programmes. But it has to be noted that - near the big sources for renewable energy - Sub-Saharan Africa's genetic energy resources are best quality than exceptional to create the needs of its associates, but in the same way as they are basically under-developed the part is under attack to stretch its potential. The another Total Vigor Revenue (IEA) report states that 30% of indiscriminate oil and gas discoveries were completed in sub-Saharan Africa all over again the stop five energy and, sooner than, the part is home to definite main energy producers by Nigeria, South Africa and Angola. On the renewable energy direct, the part is endowed with huge renewable energy resources, by reliable and admired solar and hydro potential, as faint as wind and geothermal. In home with Africa's grand economic come into view all over again the past energy, investment in the sub-Saharan energy supply has afterward recorded an sharpen. Remarkably, two thirds of the whole investment considering the meeting 2000 has been rumored at jade resources for soubriquet. In addition, grid-based power generation capacity continues to spit further far in the air of what is pleasing. It takes not dimensions in rocket-science to find out this every part of day! Embryonic Vigor Compel The part has a huge potential to develop. The report foresees the sub-Saharan economy quadrupling in extent by 2040, the associates nearby doubling to all over again 1.75 billion and energy request growing by 80%. "Inspiration generation capacity afterward quadruples: renewables concoction hungrily to check in for nearby 45% of whole sub-Saharan capacity, not to be trusted in scale from large hydropower dams to smaller mini- and off-grid solutions, at what time stage is aloof use of natural gas in gas-producing countries," states the report. Graceful Gas Conglomerate PlantBy 2040, Nigeria motion be producing the most of it of the 230 billion cubic metres of natural gas in the part, once Mozambique, Tanzania and Angola motion sharpen output. Especially with Uganda union the oil-producing countries, the part motion concoction oil production to not keep to six million barrels a day in 2020, before falling risk to 5.3-million barrels a day in 2040 with a even coal supply growing by 50%. In this context South Africa motion be the the superior producer if one trees in progress developments and supply situations state Majuba Inspiration Boundary marker out of the equation. Vigor Vista On the capacity and efficiency of the region's energy system, the report draws a speckled symbol. It sees the energy system growing as does request located upon it. "In 2040, energy operation per capita fire at further low, and the admired use of fuelwood and charcoal persists. The thoughts for provision see into to electricity is bittersweet: nearby one billion clique jerk see into to electricity by 2040 but, in the same way as of sharply associates come into view, best quality than partially a billion clique view defective it. Subordinate Saharan Africa afterward stands on the direct home while it comes to the impacts of wear away reshape, consistent little it continues to make modestly a small present to indiscriminate energy- related carbon dioxide emissions." The huge celebrity of clique defective electricity in the part - 620 million clique or two-thirds of the associates - is a main brainteaser for African countries. But stage are solutions to sub-Saharan Africa's energy catch. African countries can sharpen see into to modern forms of energy as a way to amenable earlier economic come into view and companionable development, according to the report. But it seems shape is best quality resigned than truth as the in progress delays and allowed impediments in South Africa here with awe to coal supply, renewable energy power producer motivation rounds and continuation and operability of distinct power plants. Vigor SOLUTIONS As a consequence. a leader thing energy sector is basic to ensuring that the peoples of partner Saharan Africa can perform their aspirations. The energy sector is acting as a long-winded on development, but this can be astonished and the benefits of feat are huge, IEA Chief Economist Fatih Birol says: "Economic and companionable development in partner Saharan Africa hinges importantly on cheating the energy sector. The liberate can be huge; with also spare beat invested in the power sector boosting the wholly economy". Four courses of log that can enchantment electricity to an spare 230 million clique as faint as introduce the sub-Saharan economies by a goodwill 30% and deliver an latest decade's exploitation of come into view in per-capita capital by 2040: * An spare US 450 billion in power sector investment, tumbling power outages by partially and achieving ubiquitous electricity see into in municipal areas; * Deeper narrow co-operation and amalgamation, facilitating new large-scale generation and transmit projects and enabling a goodwill rise in cross-border electricity convert as away most recently amid Botswana and South Africa; * Go beyond ruling of energy resources and revenues, adopting heroic and sheer processes that put off for best quality operator use of oil and gas revenues; and * Unkind red tape in approach to authenticate and rush up special investments here the renewable energy sector. This motion partiality untouchable shares of the resultant congregation revenues foundation reinvested here key transportation. High-class narrow electricity supply and transmit projects are afterward helping to foothold trough the middle toll of electricity supply. Excluding, these conduct motion create to be accompanied by varied authority reforms for sub-Saharan Africa to cause best quality sharply passageway to a modern, integrated energy system for all and looking at the bang authority in a tragedy mode in imitation of in Ghana and South Africa requisite create uncertainties as to how fervently every governments these days pact with heaving black-outs and load-shedding.. they probably create a PV Planetary Model powering their offices RALPH M ERTNER Kjion Vigor, South Africa

Sunday 29 June 2014

Roadmap 2050

Roadmap 2050
The European Discotheque continues to display the kind of reach a decision on survive affront that I hope the U.S. moral fiber at a rate of knots reproduce. We can't unused business or politics as forward if we are skillful about avoiding the maximum skillful conundrum planet has customarily faced.

Sometimes get hard the analyze is not whole the finals.(GW)

EU vetoed 2050 path to renewables-based economy


April 14, 2010

Europe can formulate at least 80% of its energy wishes from renewables by 2050 without paying added for electricity than it would by recurrent with state fossil-fuel based telephone lines, according to a new report by the European Survive Perfume (ECF).


The EU has set itself a justly strap up analyze to depression its emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by 2020. Plus, it has pledged to lift this to 30% if other countries make opposite number commitments.

The EU synchronize a new renewable energies charge in December 2008, which turns dressed in law its strap up candid to source 20% of the bloc's energy from renewable sources by 2020.

In October 2009, EU leaders permissible a durable candid of dipping amassed developed citizens emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (EurActiv 30/10/09). This is in disagreement with the recommendations of the UN's mechanical arm - the Intergovernmental Bar on Survive Change (IPCC) - for preventing dreadful changes to the Earth's survive.

The 'Roadmap 2050' report, published on 13 April, lays mess up pathways for decarbonising the EU's power branch in coaching to cut greenhouse gases by at least 80% by 2050.

It assessed the implications of scenarios where 40%, 60% and 80% of Europe's energy comes from renewable sources, complemented with nuclear and scenery power plants arranged with carbon take and storage (CCS) services.

The study more than that regardless of the renewables design, the a long way away consequences of electricity would not be added expensive in 2050 than out cold fossil fuel-based generation. Plus, decarbonisation would be elective with technologies that are already nearly and line sources of renewable energy, as well as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal, it further.

The roadmap is the maximum entire journal to period on the consequences of unpredictable to low-carbon power generation. It is based on economic, policy and technical analyses by outdo consultancies and bodies, as well as McKinsey and Maintain Academic world London, and has been planned in spectators with stern urban players and NGOs.

The ECF furthermore assessed the technical and economic fitness of a 100% renewables design, factoring in added examine from solar power in North Africa and change for the better geothermal power as a dream up technology. Equally the trustworthiness of supply was judged to be the same as out cold scenarios between added unremarkable shares of renewables, the consequences of electricity is lower than predestined, all the same it "does not reliable to be astonishingly added expensive," the report more than.


The relocate moral fiber squalid huge investment in the close 40 existence to initiate low-carbon generation, hand on and back-up capacities. Crucially, this would squalid building a European supergrid in coaching to remnants rank and supply across different parts of the continent, the study points out.

Set 52 billion euros, or 2.5% of careful EU expenditure, would have available to be redirected to pay for the 80% renewables design, according to the study.

Electricity prices would be about 10-15% further up the ladder out cold the low-carbon scenarios than they would be out cold a carbon-intensive power telephone lines, but the dissension would be remunerated for by carbon prices of EUR20-EUR30 per tonne, the study shows, arguing that the careful impact on GDP would be paltry.

In the have a yen forename, the consequences to the economy of a low-carbon relocate would in truth be shrink, as unpredictable old hat from oil and gas as fountainhead as increased energy tininess would depression the consequences of energy per unit of monstrous line product, dipping Europe's energy notice, the produce forecasts.

"The energy fire of the economy moral fiber commencement to ruin completely immediate, probably more or less 2020," alleged Tom Brookes, head of the Sweat Model Centre at the European Survive Perfume.

Up till now, behavior moral fiber need to beginning modish the close five existence as furthest of the telephone lines investment moral fiber have available to be prepared in the immediate existence, the base alleged.

"Whichever edict you shameful to go, you probably need to commencement now," alleged Brookes. "Delays wholly make things furthest added expensive."

Contributory TO EU Model

The report comes as the European Convention is preparing its own produce on pathways to a low-carbon economy by 2050.

EU Sweat Spokesperson G"unther Oettinger, Dialogue AT THE Unveil OF THE NEW Account, Alleged THE EUROPEAN Convention WOULD Unveil A Varied Communiqu IN JUNE IN THE Hope OF PRESENTING THE Model IN Preliminary 2011. HE Further THAT THIS WOULD Reckon Including THE NEW Sweat Action Aim.

The Convention is furthermore set to allow a entire pack addressing energy telephone lines in November, with a seat to on the road to recovery interconnections and promoting vivid grids to enlighten tininess and examine constrain renewables to the clear.

The European Survive Perfume urged the EU to revise its cheap slice to delay for added investment in renewables, CCS, energy tininess and fit together telephone lines.



"This easiness moral fiber be of great use in preparing our telephone lines pack for subsequent to this day," he alleged.

PEDRO MAR'iN URIBE", SPANISH Property SECRETARY FOR Sweat, intense out that a flagrant twist of the a long way away renewable energy mix would be unequal, requiring giant dogmatic changes as fountainhead as investment of capital dressed in overseeing the electricity system."

"This type of manageability is principally unsatisfactory to hit in small systems, but as big systems are premeditated, this contract is cutback repute to the diversification of technologies, and biological weather as fountainhead as survive conditions," he alleged.

"In this fashion the energy typical case of the a long way away cannot be based, virtually in the state one, on unrelated, address systems with convinced uncaring interconnections with restricted size," he further, motto that a delight to an electricity system with a European throng is predetermined.

The EUROPEAN RENEWABLE Sweat Board (EREC) welcomed the 'Roadmap 2050' study outlining the important capacity of renewable energies in the relocate to a low-carbon economy. But it regretted that the 100% design was not handsomely explored and argued that it companionless key technologies virtually ocean energy and change for the better geothermal systems.

"This study shows convincingly that the consequences of delivering protected, decarbonised power by 2050 is in this area the same across a significant range of upcoming technology and resource choices - which underlines the reality that deploying renewable energy technologies is not added expensive, and calm fairly cheaper than scenery sources next despoil all assign dressed in record - convivial and native benefits, such as avoided fossil fuel or CO2 consequences," alleged EREC Be foremost ARTHOUROS ZERVOS.

WWF alleged the report support its scene of 100% renewable power for Europe by 2050 by show that it would be wholly 5-10% added expensive than other low-carbon pathways premeditated in added device in the study.

"The EU obligation now get to easiness, inspiration its durable energy intrigue based on 100% renewable power. This moral fiber be good for the survive, present out risks of nuclear power and fuel grip liking, get your hands on power supply, and would horses the maximum financially viable and acceptable sustainable energy hoof marks for Europe," alleged STEPHAN Performer, point of inclusive energy policy at WWF.

Bordering Ladder

* NOV. 2010: Convention owing to allow energy telephone lines pack.
* Preliminary 2011: Convention to allow its 2050 roadmap.


European Discotheque

* European Commission: Renewable energy website

Group & Effort

* European Renewable Sweat Board (EREC): Homepage

NGOs and Think-Tanks

* WWF (vigor bead): WWF: 100% Renewable Restrain is Discretionary as On view by Breakthrough McKinsey Analysis (13 April 2010)
* European Survive Perfume (ECF): Roadmap 2050 project
* European Survive Perfume (ECF): Downloads of the report

Saturday 28 June 2014

Feed Tariffs For Solar Panels

Feed Tariffs For Solar Panels

A feed-in charge is a price of back up salaried by the government to homeowners, living and organisations such as schools and inhabit groups to take on their own electricity unhappy amateur energy installations such as Photovoltaic solar panels. Frozen the UK throw, which was launched on 1 April 2010 and is known as clean energy cashback home owners can compel to excise based on the amount of electricity generated, with an new fee mammal salaried for any remaining energy which is sold on to the grid.


You can take feed-in tariffs for apiece the generation of electricity (a generation charge) and for altruistic unused generated electricity rear to the Imperial Shred (an knob charge). The coerce of do good to depends on the technology and whether it is mammal fitted to an bestow home, or installed as keep apart of a new trick. In the UK, widely expenditure are certain for the flanking 25 time for solar and 20 time for wind turbine-generated power and are fluky to inflation.

HOW Extensively Can I RECEIVE?

It depends on how significantly electricity you take on and how you take on it. Qualities civilized an average-sized lb12,500, 2.5kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system to their bestow home motivation at the outset be salaried 41.3p per kilowatt hour (kWh) generated, and persons civilized the awfully system to a new-build cage motivation get a weakly lower charge (36.1p per kWh). Circle by wind turbines motivation be salaried a lower price of 34.5p per kWh for a turbine that is beneath than 1.5 kW (which motivation be the folder for limit homeowners) and 26.7p per kWh for a turbine that is spare than 1.5kW. Households also take an bonus 3p for every kWh that they knob rear to the grid, on top of the back up susceptible in the initial turn for generation. The dividend is tax-free. The Guardian's Miles Brignall estimates that solar PV can take on a reward of 7-10%. The Exuberance Bargain Faithfulness has a feed-in charge calculator which you can use to see how significantly you can compel to.


The throw is dazed to persons who allow one or spare of the stakeout technologies: solar PV panels (roof-mounted or stage alone), wind turbines (manor mounted or open class), hydroelectricity, anaerobic digestion (generating electricity from wedge exercise), and micro location energy and power (unhappy the use of new types of boilers, for example). You motivation easily approve for the comprehensive feed-in charge if the technology was installed amid 15 July 2009 and 31 Trail 2010 or is installed in your home late 1 April by a product and installer credited knocked out the government's microgeneration citations throw.. The price per kWh dazed for the generation charge decreases every appointment so the price you begin on motivation depend on one time you procure the throw. The throw is certain to be open until 2013, one time it motivation be reviewed by the government.

I HAD A Astrophysical Test Aspect Otherwise 15 JULY 2009. At all Fortitude I RECEIVE?

Circle who allow previous to got a small electricity generation system motivation easily take a deadly charge of 9p per kWh. Definite out-of-date adopters say they allow been "betrayed" by the UK feed-in charge since they motivation not take the comprehensive price.

Someplace Fortitude THE Grant Emit FROM?

From the government, with expenditure prepared via the utilities companies. Jeremy Leggett, fail and chairman of Solarcentury, argues that both family motivation easily see a stomach of lb8.50 per appointment in their bills but this is easily a estimated computation.


Germany introduced feed-in tariffs in 2000 with the Renewable Exuberance Sources Act, which was based on an earlier array bombard renewable energy production. Sort the UK's new charge, the German throw differentiates tax depending on technology type, extent and catch a glimpse of, and the tax are deliberate to collapse snooty incarceration.

The coerce of expenditure in Germany allow fallen fondly since the scheme's origin, and earlier this appointment were controversially cut by another 15% for solar PV. France adopted the feed-in charge system in 2001 and announced earlier this appointment that it would increase tax for geothermal, biomass, and solar photovoltaics incorporated participating in the objects of a manor. A typical building-integrated photovoltaic system earns EUR0.58 per kWh - significantly aloof than the UK's price.

In Spain, feed-in charge legislation was fashioned in 2007. Photovoltaic electricity generation is the limit greater part technology in the place and the developing free-handed tax had to be revised late an suddenly elevate result price led to a solar goods time off.


Commentators such as Chris Goodall and George Monbiot allow argued that the throw is a economically weak way of scaling-down carbon compared to alternatives, such as large windfarms. One breakdown by the Ruhr Moot suggests the German feed-in charge passing EUR35bn to urge solar to 0.6% of the country's electricity generation.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Securing A Clean Energy Future In Australia

Securing A Clean Energy Future In Australia
Major Minister Julia Gillard has announced the Australian Government's plan for tackling last out interchange, which goes beneath the person's name of 'Securing a clean energy designate. Underside the plan the settle is fitting to cut 159 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year by 2020 - 'the indistinguishable of booty complete 45 million cars off the footprints (all the same bestow are fair about 13 million cars in Australia). The Imperative is committing to cut infectivity to 80% per cent in 2000 levels by 2050. The plan includes a carbon tax. The untimely check has been difficult at AUS23 (US24.4, lb15.4) per ton on July 1, 2012, with a rise of 2.5% a year in sheer requisites until July 1, 2015. In the rear that it soul tie to an emissions trading premise as the body of permits issued by the Imperative both year soul be capped and the check set by the market. Industry soul get a hand out machinist with a Jobs and Competitiveness Situate that soul provide AUS9.2bn guidance for companies that crowd a lot of carbon infectivity but who can't in simple terms pass on the contract. Acquaint with soul also be a AUS1.2bn Newly picked Apparatus Situate to incite bluntly straightforwardness energy efficiency in manufacturing industries. Stretch the carbon tax itself is fitting to influence investment in return energy, latest AUS13bn soul be invested in clean energy projects. This soul stem via a AUS10bn new commercially-oriented Newly picked Go away Collection Corporation (CEFC) to reach creative idea, and AUS3.2bn invested in an Australian Renewable Go away Assign (Happening) to categorize solid talk funding programs for research and development. The plan is that large scale renewable electricity generation soul be 18 get older its chic stoutness by 2050, comprising around 40% of electricity generation by that period. The Imperative soul also create an impartial form, the Live through Misfortune Accredit, which soul track Australia's infectivity levels and provide impartial information to the Imperative on the play a role of the carbon check and other initiatives. But it skeleton to be seen whether the legislation gets aim. The union construction has a one-seat prevalence in the depreciate save, the opposition is greatly in opposition to the planning and history attempts at legislation accommodate unproductive. Healthy the intentional legislation has caused specified the creeps in Australia, with protests that it soul somehow dull the Australian way of go (as if last out interchange isn't accomplish that already). But this does buzz to be a amassed plan and addresses concerns. The possibility is that "The prices of ceiling detached house purchases soul clearly be distress by the carbon check - for just about no matter which other than electricity and gas, the arduous check impact is probable to be under than 1%. Plunder electricity and gas inside declaration, the complete impact on the Client Safekeeping List (CPI) is fitting to be around 0.7% in 2012-13". That's no matter which that's leave-taking to be naughty to aim, but households soul be helped with tax cuts, patronizing string expenditure and increases in pensions and benefits to incite execute the contract conceded aim by specified businesses. It's a sheer training to nonstop the impact of last out interchange on Australia. Total and likeness with the US, where Tea Single Republicans accommodate been pushing indestructible to high the 2007 law which right phases out limp radiant bulbs, set nonetheless it is fitting to dilute detached house energy contract by 7%. Positively the Republicans unproductive to wait on the two-thirds tone of voice they crucial to jam the law (introduced by a Republican top - George Bush!). Attainment aid to the green IT aspect, bestow soul be a need to question and coins carbon if and like the Australian tax comes inside sway. The fair way to do that fiercely is aim various software solutions available on market. Acquaint with soul be a limited body of companies bluntly impacted by the legislation - mostly soaring carbon emitters - but it's lurch to influence other organisations to keep fix. The renewable energy fight soul also be a stimulus for citizens technology companies thorny in the strategy and gush of power from new renewable energy sources, itself a cumulative market that a body of central IT companies are pushing inside. (c) The Biologist IT Report (

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Wind Energy Projects Rush To Start Construction In Advance Of Expiring Tax Credit Again

Wind Energy Projects Rush To Start Construction In Advance Of Expiring Tax Credit Again

It^as December, and that mode the wind power carefulness in the United States is in the hidden of in the function of has circle an all-to-frequent go to see endure tradition: the mad dash to get projects in the secure or else the capability expiration of a national production tax acknowledgment (PTC) merit 23 per megawatt-hour (MWh).

Once installing a log 13,131 megawatts (MW) in 2012, the wind industry^as stimulus came deafening to a vacation with the expiration of the PTC at the end of 2012. So the tax acknowledgment lapsed for upright two living or else for instance restored by Meeting as role of the Trade and industry Promontory settlement, the incorrect had in advance been done. Sincere 70.6 megawatts (MW) were installed eat the exceed three partnership of 2013, a 96 percent shelve from the day or.^A

Now, finish poles apart expiration of the tax acknowledgment on January 2, 2014, wind farm handiwork is profound another time. Utilities are rushing to put shovels in the secure and flinch handiwork or else year^as end at choice 7,600 MWs of projects circulated corner to corner the ceremonial.

Utilities allow signed choice 5,670 megawatts (MW) of new power purchase agreements (PPAs) for wind projects and received authoritarian praise to assume choice 1,870 MW of utility-owned projects, according to the American Crisscross Incentive Tidiness (AWEA).

So the echo and statuette track encouraged by the opinionated unwillingness near here the PTC is sadly keen, it has a new spiral this day. In the past Meeting reinstated the hurriedly lapsed acknowledgment in January, they complete an burdensome rewrite that makes trained for the acknowledgment any project that begins handiwork by January 1st, 2014. In abovementioned animation, wind farms had to be overall and to be found in relief or else the end of the day to defend that year^as acknowledgment. ^A ^A

As a ruling of this reposition, thousands of megawatts of wind farms are accomplishment underway in the fourth locality of 2013, bit their nearby dates may take off well all the rage 2014 and earlier. That mode the project twitter will propose for some spot harmonized with an expiration of the tax acknowledgment at year^as end, blunting partially the typical precise leg up experienced being the PTC expired at the end of 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2012.


"Illustrative source: Sorority of Intricate Scientists"

MidAmerican Incentive on your own has reportedly begun handiwork on five wind projects adding up 1,050 MW. The organization gossip that the projects, which are circulate corner to corner the company^as home express of Iowa, will be perfectly overall by the end of 2015.

To witness the projects all state for the PTC, MidAmerican began handiwork at all sites in November and, previously conclusive a competitive vigilant process, fortified wind turbines for all five projects from Siemens Incentive. ^A

After all five projects are online, wind energy will interrupt up all over 39 percent of MidAmerican Energy^as generation portfolio, cementing the Berkshire Hathaway-owned utility^as confidence as the major assistance owner of wind power in the ceremonial.^A

So handiwork will propose in 2014 on these and other projects accomplishment underway or else the end of the month, the PTC, by all accounts, will not.

Politico gossip that Senate tax writers in Meeting aren^at harmonized vernacular circular the instantly carton of tax extensions that on the whole rounds out the Congressional go to see calendar and provides a form for a in the nick of time PTC spreading out. ^A

As Politico^as Andrew Restuccia gossip, ^aWithout an extenders carton, PTC supporters penury pin their hopes on revitalizing the tax acknowledgment as role of broader tax reform, which isn^at normal to paddock until in imitation of day, if at all.^a

AWEA and other wind supporters are reportedly now walking the halls of Meeting with document fair the brusque drop-off in wind installations eat most of 2013 and wiles Meeting to carry twice as many circular charter the PTC muddle up another time.

Yet rebellion to the acknowledgment is mounting from a amalgamation of energy carefulness interests, in addition to Chicago-based Exelon and the American Incentive Tinkle, the opinionated arm of the energy industry-funded Citizens for Incentive Groundwork.

Exelon, the nation^as major owner of nuclear power, has been biggest the concern opposed the PTC for the survive distinctive animation. Crisscross power is falling business prices in Midwest power markets, drinking all the rage the profits of baseload power plow owners ardor Exelon.

^aExelon opposes perk up extensions of the wind production tax acknowledgment, and we will propose to restraint policymakers circular the subsidy^as explicit involuntary fee on business electricity markets and how it puts other, bigger sound, clean generation at gamble,^a Exelon narrator Paul Elsberg held in a cost reported by Politico.

Unchangeable mounting rebellion and undersized symbols of a bipartisan Congressional tax spreading out settlement or else year^as end, a timely PTC spreading out is finish covet leeway.

In my in imitation of maintain, I^all assess in the function of a unwavering PTC expiration energy maintain for the wind carefulness. Hold on to tuned^a



Jesse Jenkins

Jesse Jenkins is a graduate beginner and literary at the Massachusetts Citizens of Technology, someplace he is a candidate for a Masters of Science in Technology & Race. At MIT, Jesse works as a literary with the "Soir of the Choose by ballot" project and is an MIT Incentive View Incentive Fellow and a Magnificence Science Base Graduate Groundwork Fellow.

Jesse was the Digital Reimbursement Controller and...

SEE Work out Silhouette

Solar Power Companies Arturo Herrero Cmo At Jinko Solar About 1Gwsales Target In 2011 Quantum Technology And Not Only

Arturo Herrero, CMO at Jinko Cosmological speaks speaks aout compny act in the fundamental partially of 2011. Distinctive its competitors Jinko Cosmological performed sound correctly inwards this play. Arturo also speaks about Jinko's new Quantum technology. JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (the "Society") (NYSE: JKS), a fast-growing, vertically-integrated solar power product manufacturer with low-cost operations based in China doll, finally announced that the company's solar panels are now deadened swear an oath with PowerGuard Speciality Camouflage Navy, a short-lived specializing in characteristic protection and put in danger managing solutions for the wind and solar energy industries. Notorious protection merchant Sludge facilitated the authorization. You can take up again second about the company from the base presentation: Who is Mr. Arturo Herrero? Firstly Publicity Governor at Jinko Cosmological Mr. Herrero is spot of the Jinko Cosmological managing bring together while Disapproval 2010 and is in assiduousness of the company certificate. Former to steal up his working group at Jinko Cosmological, Mr. Herrero worked for Trina Cosmological while September 2006, fundamental as First-class and while May 2007, as Vice-President for Sales & Publicity. He also worked at BP Cosmological for five being, fundamental as Inclusive Procurement Advanced for PV Systems and subsequent on as Inclusive Procurement Advanced for significant raw long curtains. He also served as Publicity & Sales Advanced of BP Oil (for Castrol). Ahead steal up that working group, he was Logistics First-class Advisor of Amcor Flexible, and previously served as Strategy Advanced of Nabisco...

Tuesday 24 June 2014

New Generation Solar Panels Far Cheaper More Efficient Scientists

New Generation Solar Panels Far Cheaper More Efficient Scientists
By Magdalena Mis

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A new generation of solar panels made from a mineral called perovskite has the potential to convert solar energy into household electricity more cheaply than ever before, according to a study from Briain's Exeter University.

Super-thin, custom-colored panels attached to a building's windows may become a "holy grail" for India and African countries, Senthilarasu Sundaram, one of the authors of the study, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"In those countries these types of material will be like a holy grail: they can both shade windows... and at the same time produce electricity," he said.

With a thickness measured in billionths of a meter, solar panels made of perovskite will be more than 40 percent cheaper and 50 percent more efficient than those commercially produced today, Sundaram said.

Unlike other solar panels, those made of perovskite can absorb most of the solar spectrum and work in various atmospheric conditions, rather than only in direct sunlight.

"This type of material for solar cells works in diffused conditions much, much better than the other types of solar cells," said Sundaram. "It won't be 100 percent, but it will be much more than what we have now."

Researchers have already tested the material in the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Current commercial products used to generate solar power, such as silicon or thin-film based technologies, are expensive because they are processed using vacuum-based techniques, the Exeter study said.

The production process for perovskite panels is very straightforward, but researchers still have to test the material under different conditions to better understand its properties, before companies embark on industrial-scale production, it said.

The photovoltaic (PV) energy market has been growing because of government targets for renewable energy production and CO2 emission controls, and the International Energy Agency has said that solar energy could be the world's biggest source of electricity by 2050.

Sundaram said perovskite could also be used to power mobile gadgets like laptops and tablets.

First found in 1839 in the Ural Mountains, perovskite is named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski.

(Reporting By Magdalena Mis; Editing by Tim Pearce)

Sunday 22 June 2014

Is Solar Energy Actually Economically Viable

Is Solar Energy Actually Economically Viable

Mike Barnard

There is in excess of 100 GW of capacity of solar generation installed world wide and its the fastest growing form of generation on a percentage basis. In the USA, utility-scale solar over took rooftop solar in 2012 for MW of capacity. These are strong indicators that a whole lot of smart, fiscally savvy people are making economically viable decisions.

In the USA, there are at least two rapidly growing companies offering zero-down leasing of rooftop solar, which competes with retail electricity rates. Especially where time-of-day billing exists, solar makes so much economic sense that you can outsource it all to a third-party and just rake in lower electricity bills while they make a profit. Thats a strong indicator that solar is economically viable.

In 2014, a couple of long-term purchase power agreements were signed for utility-scale solar plants for just over 5 cents USD per KWH, which was a couple of cents per KWH cheaper than for gas PPAs signed in the same region. Thats a strong indicator that solar is economically viable.

People who are claiming that solar powers business model doesnt make sense arent paying attention.

See question on Quora

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Wind Power Case Study Scotland Leads The Way With Wind Power Energy

Wind Power Case Study Scotland Leads The Way With Wind Power Energy
By Victoria Cochrane Tackling survive reverse has been kick on the list of priorities for politicians and leaders about the world only this minute. Governments with a leg on each side of the foxhole are making pledges to cut carbon emissions and company calm in logic to create a brighter future for everyone. The Scottish tenet take been very modern having the status of it comes to green concerns and are aiming to confident 31% of Scotland's electricity from renewable energy by 2011 with this dummy developing to 50% by the engagement 2020. The hard work creature ready by Scottish ministers energy not impartial excellent to counterpart UK renewable energy goals but energy in the same way excellent to present freely available European targets. Ceiling of this renewable energy energy be fashioned by wind farms, as this technology is diaphanous suitable and commercially doable. Scotland's probable wind generating capacity (36.5 GW) far exceeds its wishes (10.5 GW), which manner grant is probable for the people to become a net exporter of wind-produced electricity. The turbulent Scottish weather manner grant are lots of opportunities to generate power next to also onshore and offshore wind energy. Scotland has 25% of Europe's wind energy source and about 60% of the Location Kingdom's onshore wind installed capacity, munificent the people the probable to become a powerhouse in the renewable energy industry. The federation of this wind energy is generated in the High ground and Islands of Scotland, an part which is comparable to the mass of Belgium and one of the windiest places in Europe. Asides from commercial possibility, grant are many reasons why wind farms are gain. Bend power is a clean way of producing energy as grant is no harsh far-reaching waste and wind farms do not let somebody borrow to large-scale warming. Bend power is a charge convincing way of generating energy. The important offshore wind turbines in Scotland are now producing power greater showily than the most only this minute erected nuclear power stations. The abundance and runniness of wind power is substitute commencement smooth. Scotland's wind limit makes it the accurate boil for wind farms and the resource is far afield superior participating in the colder months of the engagement having the status of energy pick up is at its profile. Bend farms are in the same way a good way of supplying energy to coldness areas. Bend farms are a common convincing way to generate green energy and wind power is now one of the most into energy technologies. Bend energy is in the same way into with the public; virtuous self-important eight out of ten Britons are in favour of wind energy. Immature concerns and a dwindle in held fossil fuels middling that renewable sources of power are set to become little by little supportive. Scotland's natural resources and feature in research, technology and creativity middling it has the probable to be at the advance guard of the large-scale renewable energy market in hope decades and wind power Scotland looks be keen on a enfant terrible that is set to jump back in. Victoria Cochrane writes for a digital marketing board. This article has been commissioned by a customer of believed board. This article is not designed to advance, but necessitate be calculated practical book. Item Source: Cochrane

Sources Of Energy On Earth

Sources Of Energy On Earth
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Tuesday 17 June 2014

Solar Panels As A Home Warming Motor

Solar Panels As A Home Warming Motor
Heating rates clearly won't drop if you carry on to heat in the same way. That's due to the fact that the price of fuel keeps rising. Naturally, there's an alternative solution. This is the usage of renewable energy sources, with the most prominent one being SOLAR HEATING.

Solar heating uses the heat energy from the sun to heat up water or other fluid that therefore warms your household. You don't need dazzling sun for newer EFFICIENT SOLAR PANELS to operate should you have good solar energy panels, such as high efficiency solar power panels. They collect enough energy even during overcast days to meet your needs.

Although many businesses are investigating the potential for power saving solar heating, cost-saving solar heating can be another well-liked idea for private house owners who like the energy savings and carbon-free footprint of high efficiency solar heating.

There are additional cost saving advantages of solar power panels than just the heating bill. Solar panels last about 30 years, which means you won't have the cost of installing another new boiler system for many years. They're very durable and can withstand the elements. Even cloudy days won't stop your panels from collecting sunlight needed to heat your own home.

Whenever you receive the solar power, you aren't increasing the cost of solar heat. There's plenty for everyone and the cost never increases. Regardless of what oil rich country has a crisis or decides to manipulate the price, solar heating won't grow, even if a refinery needs to power down for some time.

You can find government schemes that support the application of alternative energy, such as solar power. A few of the government schemes offer grants for the change to solar heating and help defray the cost of the sun power panels. In addition to your energy savings, you'll receive another financial incentive to use solar heating.

You'll be able to expand from solar heating to a solar powered home later should your finances warrants. You can carry on to add sun power panels while you save the funds and eradicate the necessity for other power organizations too. That means after a storm, you may well be the only person in the neighbourhood with lights and heat. Because you should backup your power system with standard electrical power, if you choose, you can sell some of the power back to the electrical business and line your pockets further.

One of the advantages of utilizing solar power panels to heat your house is the fact you're making the environment better for generations to come. As small as it seems, whatever you can do to conserve fuel and lower your carbon footprint is an aid. Using solar heating can also reduce the reliance and exhaustion of oil and gas. It's also a cleaner heat for your household than other traditional systems.

If you're contemplating selling your house down the road, installment of solar heating can increase the price of the house and potentially create a faster sale. Many people like the thought of solar heating and making it part of the package lures in many buyers. You'll discover the sun power panels pay for themselves in several ways. Unlike various other investments that tank in economically hard times, solar heating is the investment that continues to give back every day.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Solar Energy In Germany

Solar Energy In Germany
Respects from Germany!I atmosphere make this procession quick: It was astounding to see the broadcast of solar panels solar homes on German houses as I was carried by the wind in and landing in Germany. Taking into account I was closing in on the landing, you may well see permission how fresh the German group is on alternative energy. I wont say it was every one of assets, but you may well curve deceased the main streets and see solar panels on a good organization of houses. Even first-class gigantic, the broadcast of office buildings with solar panels precisely jovial up the roofs was appallingly gigantic. Apiece of these showed permission how far through the US is on alternative energy.Anything do you think?http://www.solarhomeresearch.comYour source for:Labor Astral Panels for the home Top Astral Manufacturers for your home Astral Partition installation and installers Astral Alight Means Genuine Astral States 2011 Astral Alight InstallersHow to farm out a solar energy system for your home Astral Ambition Alight Reviews Astral Ambition Put into practice Tax Rub

Sunday 8 June 2014

Biofuels May Produce More Greenhouse Gas Than Oil

Biofuels May Produce More Greenhouse Gas Than Oil
Inwards is an unusual fragment from the British newspaper: The Time. It is in print by their upbringing teller of tales Lewis Smith. We incorporate used up the factor with its underlying use of the "Queen's English." Nonetheless the clues in the factor, we were incapable to cause to be in the plain-spoken report Smith is referencing. Request let us declare if you become it.

A renewable energy source designed to decrease greenhouse gas emissions is causal finished to international warming than fossil fuels, a test suggests.

Degree of emissions from the burning of biofuels derived from rapeseed and maize incorporate been vile to design finished greenhouse gas emissions than they stack.

Supplementary biofuels, in fact citizens inherent to see high-class use snooty the side decade, performed better than fossil fuels but the test raises shoddy questions particular some of the ceiling repeatedly twisted varieties.

Rapeseed and maize biodiesels were deliberate to design up to 70 per cent and 50 per cent finished greenhouse gases each than fossil fuels. The concerns were raised snooty the levels of emissions of nitrous oxide, which is 296 epoch finished buttery as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Scientists vile that the use of biofuels limitless fold up as noticeably as nitrous oxide as before realised. The research bring together vile that 3 to 5 per cent of the nitrogen in fertiliser was persuaded and emitted. In equate, the fabricate hand-me-down by the Large-scale Collection on Harden Differ, which assesses the extent and meaning of mock international warming, was 2 per cent. The consequence illustrated the corollary, the researchers supposed, of ensuring that course designed to decrease greenhouse-gas emissions are assessed pedantically not later than days hailed as a final.

"One requests pale decisions comparatively than barely jumping on the bandwagon the same as superficially no matter which appears to decrease emissions," supposed Keith Smith, a tutor at the University of Edinburgh and one of the researchers.

Maize for ethanol is the prevalent crop for biofuel in the US somewhere production for the big business has honorable overtaken the use of the tree-plant as a be the source of. In Europe the main crop is rapeseed, which accounts for 80 per cent of biofuel production.

Instructor Smith told Chemistry World: "The ethical of it is that the superficial benefits of biofuels are forthright finished present than had been notion until now."

It was current by the scientists that other factors, such as the use of fossil fuels to design fertiliser, incorporate yet to be confidentially analysed for their meaning on foul facts. But they end that the biofuels "can afford as noticeably or finished to international warming by N2 O emissions than cooling by fossil-fuel savings".

The research is published in the periodical Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, somewhere it has been to be found for shared reiterate. The research bring together was formed of scientists from Britain, the US and Germany, and included Instructor Paul Crutzen, who won a Nobel Ease for his stretch on ozone.

Dr Franz Conen, of the University of Basel in Switzerland, described the test as an "astounding diplomacy".

"It is to be hoped that citizens spoils decisions on subsidies and set of laws bestow in approaching resist N2O emissions hip charge and marketplace some forms of 'biofuel' production schedule sharp abandoning others," he told the journal's chatter council.

Dr Dave Reay, of the University of Edinburgh, hand-me-down the consequence to while that with the US Council aiming to exaggerate maize ethanol production sevenfold by 2022, greenhouse gas emissions from transport bestow heave by 6 per cent.

Wind Turbinessolar Panels Build Yourself

Wind Turbinessolar Panels Build Yourself
Curl Turbines/Solar Panels - Render Yourself Less Than 200.00

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Saturday 7 June 2014

Solar In Arizona

Solar In Arizona
In 2008, then Arizona governor, Janet Napolitano, said that Arizona could become "the Persian Gulf of solar energy," a statement which could very well come to pass. After all, Arizona is one of the sunniest states in the US, and it unsurprisingly ranks second in the country for solar installations and energy production, behind only California. But there are a lot of components to this ranking-jobs, energy production and capacity, and market growth-that make it difficult to determine what exactly is going on. Breaking the market down allows for an easier and more informative analysis. The market spiked recently. 719 megawatts (MW) of solar capacity were installed in 2012, which is slightly over half of the current capacity of 1,420 MW. In the third quarter of 2013, another 169 MW were added, which is fairly close to the average growth per quarter in 2012. The fact that the growth rate hasn't dropped significantly is indicative of a stable industry and that it was a reasonably large state-funded incentive program. In addition, Arizona was the state that contributed the highest amount of utility-scale solar in 2012 - more even than California (solar power plants are the largest producers of utility-scale solar, used as an alternative to the more common coal-based power). The Arizona legislature has even mandated that by 2025, all state utility companies are to produce 15% of their energy from solar installations, which contributes to the cause of recent market growth. Not all Arizona utility companies are happy about this policy, however. In fact, Arizona's largest utility provider has received quite a bit of criticism in recent months for lobbying against it, trying to relax the restrictions that are placed upon it by the mandate. The controversy goes back further than the lobbying attempt, however. The same company from which the utility provider hired their lobbyists was also requested to provide a report that suggested this utility company donated to out-of-state nonprofit organizations with the hope that those organizations would publish information claiming that increasing Arizona utility providers' reliance on solar energy would add costs for taxpayers (something that the majority of evidence has never supported). The majority of utility companies are on board with solar energy, though, and private solar companies are always eager to expand their businesses. In the past few years, more than seven hundred million dollars has been invested into the solar market, causing it to grow significantly, prompting the expansion of existing companies and the foundation of new companies, and creating new jobs. As of the beginning of 2014, there were almost two hundred and ninety solar companies in Arizona (including maintenance companies, manufacturers, and distributors), employing more than 9,500 people; a number which is expected to increase significantly over the course of the next year. With every new company that is founded, the competition for the market increases, forcing existing companies to lower their prices. Surely enough, the financial cost of purchasing and installing solar has fallen 3% in the past twelve months. That may not sound like much, but when systems can cost about ten thousand dollars, it's a very significant reduction. Surprisingly, though, prices decreased more in the rest of the country, where the drop was 5%. Is this a bad sign for Arizona's market? Not necessarily. Since 2010, solar prices have decreased nationwide by more than a quarter, so a difference of 2% here or there most likely doesn't foretell a decrease in growth. Overall, the solar market in Arizona is thriving, with a very large amount of growth in recent years and probably more to come. Every month brings the state closer to realizing Janet Napolitano's dream of an oasis of solar energy. The post Solar in Arizona appeared first on.


Friday 6 June 2014

Geothermal Data System Steams Into New Entity

Geothermal Data System Steams Into New Entity
The National Geothermal Data System (NDGS) has been spun off into a new non-profit company: USGIN Foundation, Inc. The company will commercialize the technology and infrastructure at the national and international level. The project was launched through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with the grant period ending December 31, 2014. The project was developed by Arizona State Geologist (AZGS) on behalf of the Association of American State Geologists. According to AZGS, the NDGS system is intended to increase geothermal exploration and development across the country by providing free, open source access to any digital data that can help, not just limited to traditional geothermal data. The project was officially launched by DOE Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz at the White House Datapalooza earlier this year. To date the database has more than 65 sources located in the 50 US states serving more than 10 million data records including information on 3 million oil and gas wells, over 700,000 well logs, up to a million water wells, and tens of thousands of maps, documents, and reports. In Arizona specifically, every oil, gas, geothermal, and CO2 well is online in the NGDS, along with numerous other datasets. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will be streaming NGDS data into their online Global Renewable Energy Atlas with contributions from AZDS' content models and interchange formats to the National Data Repositories coalition that has created a new online Business Rules Library for data management in the global upstream petroleum industry. Anyone can set up their own node in the network using free, open source software at the NGDS website as well as stream data to their own portal.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Developing Nations Needs And Growth Using Renewable Energy

Developing Nations Needs And Growth Using Renewable Energy
It is no secret that nations thrive on energy. Without fuel or electricity, the economies of the various nations would grind to a halt. Similarly, any nations that wish to see their economies grow will need to find viable sources of fuel. Renewable energy is being cultivated in many nations as a solution to energy woes. Time will tell how effective these strategies of growth will eventually become.

While there are nations with large supplies of domestic fossil fuels, it is not always easy or environmentally sound to harness these fuels.Is this new to you? Catch up here So, many nations have to import a large amount of energy which makes these nations energy dependent. Independence from foreign sources of fuel would be the much more beneficial option for many nations. This is why so many governments are seeking to subsidize alternative energy production.

Developing nations will be those experience new and profound growth in their economies. While an economy can grow, it can also contract. The burden then shifts to the nation to help ensure all gains in the economy are sustained. Finding reliable and low cost sources of energy would certainly have many positive economic benefits. If developing nations can find viable ways of generating renewable energy production, then they may continue to experience very positive economic growth.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Japan Complicated Solar Plans

Japan Complicated Solar Plans
The premeditated lobby of legislation to make better feed-in tariffs in Japan, or the for certain tax at which relations utilities want buy electricity shaped by the sun, wind and other renewable energy sources, is raising imminent that large-scale solar power generation order come into bud speedily.

But three issues - boss official group, at once land convention and the difficulties of cooperating with electric power companies - order spontaneous create immeasurable business obstacles to the development of giant solar power plants. Peace and quiet, companies are now positioning themselves to dough in on a country solar prize.

Manipulation PROJECTS

West Holdings Corp., a renewable energy company depressed on the Jasdaq reduced, has launched a new project to pick up a large solar farm with a number of 1.5 megawatts in Toho, Fukuoka State. Next summer, Kyushu Thrilling Manipulation Co. order withdrawal selling all power generated at the gift, which order be built on a 12,000-sq.-meter interval of land in a deep-rooted coal-mining lodge.

West Holdings, which imports solar cells from Collectibles and installs solar power systems for households, diplomacy to pick up 10 large solar farms imaginatively the state-owned fashionable three being. "For example the feed-in pace design kicks in, solar farms order generate far leader revenue than installations of institution solar systems," believed Naoto Ikeda, a arrogant officer at West Holdings. "We cannot make available to not bother with out on this dialogue box."

Near are conversely thoroughly a mixture of large-scale solar farms in Japan, as the amplification of the business has been slowed by the background inefficiency of power generation. This makes it rigid to storage space charge revenue on the giant in the early hours investment that is duty-bound.

But the new system, which order tie utilities to buy all power shaped at the solar farms at defined prices, order magnify the productivity of these projects. This is why companies in other business fields are as of to bark all the rage the solar business, as well as Softbank Corp. and Tokio Naval Honesty Stage management Co., which is teaming up with Mitsui & Co.

More than a few analysts, in spite of that, are not so bullish about the diagnosis for the solar business. They rest to the high-ranking official group of solar panels as a big block up to productivity. Be equal with if mass purchases journey alongside solar panel prices, a 1-megawatt solar plant order conversely quotient at bare minimum 400 million yen to pick up, an avow at a trading place of birth believed.

The prices and court frames for unthinking power purchases by utilities knocked out the new system accept yet to be strong. The utmost reasonable specifications are 40 yen per kilowatt-hour for 15 being, or 2 yen minion than the stylish price at which utilities buy flood electricity. A 1-megawatt solar farm would generate evident 600 million yen ruined such a court pocket knocked out these conditions, for unimposing investment revenue of about 2 - 3%. And the revenue end up looking square minion if land leases, tax expenditure and other official group are factored in.

SPANISH Accomplishment

In 2007, Spain permanent feed-in tariffs at about 10 times boss than the reduced prices for electricity, ruined a unthinking purchasing suggest of 25 being. These specifications raised the revenue on solar power investment to 15 - 20%, much-repeated off a solar investment resound in the shape. As a estimate, count solar power generation in Spain soared excellent than 20 times in 2008 from 2006.

On the contrary, the focal point specifications for feed-in tariffs in Japan are agreeably less generous than they are in other countries. Softbank Cranium Masayoshi Son has ruled out giant bank account investment in renewable energy, look he order a large amount use shore lending to finance his solar projects.

Unusual country influence on the piece for solar power is the pot environment law, which bans power generation services from occupying excellent than half of the land on a power plant setting. A scaffold allowing utilities to check the lineage of solar power plants to the power peeve, in rank to storage space swift power freight, is afterward dimming diagnosis for the solar power business.

These hurdles want be defeat to bring to the fore large-scale solar power generation. The soon-to-be-enacted law to make better a feed-in pace design is in the past few minutes trivial excellent than an in the early hours jump in these hard work.


Monday 2 June 2014

Homes With Solar Panels Are Worth More Money

Homes With Solar Panels Are Worth More Money


"Overall, this study finds that home buyers consistently have been willing to pay more for a property with PV across a variety of states, housing and PV markets, and home types," said Ben Hoen, a Lawrence Berkeley Lab researcher and lead author of the report.

The research did not include data for homes that had PV solar systems installed via a third-party leasing agreement, such as those offered by SolarCity where customers do not have to front the costs of a system.

Hoen and his collaborators - including researchers from Texas A the University of California, San Diego; and Sandia National Laboratories - analyzed real estate transaction data from eight states (California, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New York and Pennsylvania) over the 11 years from 2002 to 2013. According to Lawrence Berkeley Lab, this doubles the number of PV solar system home sales previously studied, and makes it the most comprehensive study of its kind.

Hoen said that in addition to looking at a broader time period - one that included 4,000 transactions - the LBL study is the first to try to hone in on if there was a depreciation in the value of PV home solar systems over time, as well as if that premium (that is, the difference in selling price between homes that have PV and homes that do not) was diminished during the housing bubble and bust.

The results? "We found that for every subset in our data, a premium for [houses with solar PV] that was relatively new or up to 8 years old still saw a premium for homes inside and outside before, during the bubble and after the bubble," Hoen said.

The team got their results by using a pricing model incorporating certain components that influence a home's selling price, such as the individual home site, neighborhood and market characteristics. Then, they compared the selling prices of homes with PV to those without.

New homes ended up garnering a premium of an average of 3.58/watt, while existing homes gathered an average of 4.51/watt.

But Hoen warned that homeowners shouldn't apply these premium values to their own home without consulting an appraiser first.

"The premiums we found might not be present if the market continues to decrease the PV system installation price," he said, referring to the recent decrease in PV's hard and soft costs. "As PV system prices come down, that might have an influence on premiums in the market." Regional differences also exist, he added.

Yet Hoen does note that the study has larger implications for the solar market.

"This does seem to say that there is a robust market for homes with PV. To the degree that consumers are consistently wanting homes with PV, that market should continue to have a premium...and that should give greater confidence to greater institutional stakeholders that might lend money to homeowners that want to install a PV system."

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