Sunday 18 January 2015

Master Plan For Solar City Approved

Master Plan For Solar City Approved
Writing this from Delhi Airport - flight delayed by two hours (AI 764). Just came from meeting by MNRE, Govt of India. In their notification number 5/32/2011-12/ST dated 8th Feb 2012, they had declared New Town as a Solar City. Today I along with Gopal Ghosh, CEO NKDA, Pritam Kumar, Manager NKDA and S.Bhattacharya Director WBREDA presented the Master Plan to be executed under the Solar City Plan. This will be followed by DPRs that will be put up for approval. We have already prepared 12 DPRs which will be posed now that the Master Plan has been approved subject to certain conditions / observations. The Master Plan was assessed by a Committee consisting of Joint Secretary MBRE Tarun Kapur and Director Dr A. Tripathy.

The Master Plan Solar City for New Town strives to reduce the projected energy demand from conventional power sources by two strategies: (1) By using Solar and Renewable Power Sources and (2) By using more energy efficient devices.

The proposal for using canals to lay out solar panels was much appreciated. Other interventions under (1) above included use of Solar water heaters, roof top solar panel installations and replacing standby generators with solar inverters and energy generation from solid waste.

Under (2), proposals included use of LEDs for lighting, use of star rated AC machines and use of motors and fans with energy efficient machines and encouraging green buildings. Necessary changes in building rules will also be brought out. Awareness building will also be made with formation of Eco Clubs involving school students.

The Master Plan is a 5 year strategy.


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