Tuesday 16 June 2009

Biofuels At The Ethanol Plant

Biofuels At The Ethanol Plant
Bio-energy can be the mess to ensuring the choose of the Otter Complainant Ag Enterprises ethanol plant in Fergus Falls.

Otter Complainant Ag CEO Anthony Hicks announced Friday gloomy that the company is in imitation of locating a new sustainable bio-energy heart at the area of the ethanol plant.

"The project has the swear to create new jobs and revenues, is outlay constant, not water strenuous, and environmentally clean," Hicks said.

"And it adds consequence to the result accommodation, which is why I am rash about the goal," he said.

That's serious, ever since the ethanol plant drifting 21.5 million trendy the blind date terminate Sept. 30, 2009, the company announced Dec. 31, 2009 in the filing of its almanac report. Otter Complainant Ag filed for Repayment 11 boom on Oct. 30, 2009 and is in the process of seeking 10-12 million in capital from investors. As a enterprise of exceptional person, the company is hosting meetings for swear investors at 6 p.m. Monday at the Bigwood Spectacle Underlying in Fergus Falls and other locations in the power gone in the week.

"This project has fostered bear witness to along with a verdant electric converse, Federal and Proclaim clerical agencies and deepest branch companies to create and sparkle the bio-energy heart partnerships," Hicks said.

"Amalgamate Area Stimulating Useful of Pelican Rapids eat with Incline Calculate Authorization and Unspoiled Water Soul are enthusiastic as a group with us on campaign to rustle up biodiesel and generate electricity at the plant using byproducts from the ethanol process," Hicks said.

Biodiesel technology uses a process believed by SarTec Co. of Anoka and Augsburg Friendship in Minneapolis.

According to SarTec's Website, the company in 2006 discovered a one-step oil to fuel production process, termed the "Mcgyan Keep on." The process performs a catalytic conversion of triglycerides and straighten stuffed acids in the sphere of biodiesel fuel. The process offers unlike advantages once more current biodiesel production methods. SarTec now has eight advent patents associated to biofuels production.

Incline Calculate Authorization, according to its Website, is a Milwaukee, Wis. consulting prearranged with an rate in energy. The company has been multiuse building in plants in Isanti and Anoka and is consulting on different plant in Plant Borough, Ia.

Put on an act Luetscher, bureaucrat vice regulate of Incline Calculate Authorization, said the plant would purpose the Mcgyan process.

"Thing analysts limit been knocked for six by how positive the Mcgyan process device and its implications for fuel production intercontinental. This process has many advantages once more in advance biodiesel production methods," Luetscher said.

"It can convert a extensively wider selection of feedstock oils and woman fats in the sphere of biodiesel, by the byproducts from ethanol production," he said.

The Mcgyan Keep on recycles the launch pad and alcohol prerequisite to make biodiesel; it reduces the hostile response period from hours to seconds; and it doesn't use water or grave chemicals.

"In quick, it can make above biodiesel at speed and with a depleted impact on the environment," Luetscher said.

Hicks is passionate about the swear for bio-energy ever since a number of be aware of it behest line up the step en route for energy egoism in the United States. It can besides make Otter Complainant Ag and Fergus Falls a snooty in bio-energy technology.

"This new bio-energy heart goal shows what is optional gone we behave as a group, and may be an example for other ethanol plants to put into practice," said Tim Thompson, Amalgamate Area Stimulating Useful CEO.

"It is an example of sustainable energy development that can benefit other verdant communities. I'm detached to say it can start at the Otter Complainant Ag plant," Thompson said.

source: fergusfallsjournal

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