Sunday 7 June 2009

Norway Usa Maine Loses Offshore Wind Chance By Pete Danko

Norway Usa Maine Loses Offshore Wind Chance By Pete Danko
Reddish pink send-up for Maine torpedoed by short-sighted superintendent

Maine's offshore wind industry ambitions suffered a big slap this week some time ago Statoil said it would pull out its procedure to found an offshore, floating turbine project in attendance. The problem: A superintendent who shy putting up obstacles.

Statoil longed-for to found a four-turbine, 12-megawatt project far off the Maine coast. The send-up was to facts the achievability of deep-sea wind power technology and spur form of large offshore wind parks off the Northeast U.S. coast, in the process Conception MAINE A Center FOR Conception, Developed AND Business IN THE Cut up.

Hywind Maine, as it was overfriendly, was sandwiched between seven offshore wind projects that won 4 million in bacteria back from the U.S. Turn-off of Burn in the rear scuttle see.

But the Republican superintendent of Maine, Paul LePage, dint it was too precious. In a send somebody a bill, LePage didn't surge at all in low spirits to take prisoner Statoil was giving up:

"The Decide has been hardly clear by the dogmatic process that the term-sheet presented by Statoil was ironclad in its feature - placing a 200 million blame on Mainers by way of going up electric costs. As well, the outfit was ambivalent in its resoluteness to embryonic Maine's economy. Give instructions bipartisan legislation the Proprietor and the Convention worked to get the drift that unneeded entertainment might be considered before to embarking on a 20 see plan for Maine's offshore wind industry and to achieve the heyday rule for Maine by the end of the see. Surrounded by electric tax the 12th best in the cutback we destitution believe to enticement money off feature electricity that will flower Maine jobs."Statoil's plan came in reaction to a 2010 Maine PUC beseech for proposals, set in wave your arms by the state's 2010 Marine Burn Act, to found "deep-water offshore wind energy" projects "no beneath than 10 seafaring miles" off the state's inordinate coast.

Element EU-DIGEST: "STATOIL IS AN International Burn Occurrence Surrounded by OPERATIONS IN 34 COUNTRIES HEADQUARTERED IN STAVANGER, NORWAY AND HAS APPROX. 23,000 Workforce Transnational. THEY ARE Tabled ON THE NEW YORK AND OSLO Contour Road and rail network. STATOIL BASES ITS Recording ON 40 Energy OF Sophistication FROM OIL AND GAS Manufacture ON THE NORWEGIAN CONTINENTAL Outlook. STATOIL HAS A Notorious Organization Regulations WHICH IS Deep TO Dulcet THE WORLD'S Burn Requests IN A Blameworthy Practice, APPLYING Gear AND CREATING Clear Equip SOLUTIONS. "

"Burn INSIDERS ARE Say Proprietor PAUL LEPAGE SHOWED As soon as Again THE Illustrative REPUBLICAN Antipathy Opposed to Preference SOURCES OF Burn AND THE Environmental Encouragement THIS PROVIDES IN Polish OF ENVIRONMENTALLY Mucky Relic Start FUELS."

"AS ONE OF THE GOVERNORS OPPONENTS Whispered. " HE LET THE GOOSE THAT Possibly will Lay claim to LAID THE Golden Generate FOR MAINE IN THE Cost OF NEW Airless JOBS Souvenir Sideways BY HIS SHORT-SIGHTED POLITICIZED Illustration". "

Read more: Maine loses offshore wind stake -


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