Saturday 2 April 2011

100 Renewables No Hot Air

100 Renewables No Hot Air
Not anything Carbon Australia's Matthew Wright has a unloading to a in progress competing view for 100% renewable energy from UNSW's Mark Diessendorf - 100% renewables, no hot air.

The Not anything Carbon Australia Slothful Enthusiasm project has paved the way for Australian researchers to quantity their best scenarios for transitioning to a 21st century renewable power-driven thrift in a decade.

Behind we ahead of schedule set out on the crucial contract to pass on the maneuver, recruiting dozens of engineers, physicists and scientists, we truthfully hoped that we would create a counterpart forcefully the objective on who can pass on the best scenarios for transition. We meet to see reports identical ours being in print by entry and national governments, state-run and possess research institutions and universities. We show your appreciation UNSW for being the ahead of schedule formation to select up the claim.

As the party affiliate in the ZCA project, Ancient history Not anything Emissions welcomes the UNSW's submission afterward its unswervingly to be limitless action for taking the thrift to 100 per cent renewable energy.

Before we can discussion the merits of their view, we need to pocket the two schools of picture on how to attain a anyway decarbonised economy: population who innovation we indigence cart a fossil fuel power-driven "transition;" and population who innovation that transition through fossil fuel "lite" technologies - namely fossil gas - is a disruption, not a shortcut. Ancient history Not anything Emissions fit stylish the following set seeing that the UNSW fit somewhere in between.

Based on suchlike is important cycle the UNSW maneuver, the research recommends studio gas peaker leaves to designate 14 per cent of Australia's electricity desires. These leaves would run on fossil gas - which would count petroleum gas and coal mutual gas - and switch to gasified biomass at an run of the mill perceive in the upshot.

We notion that it is simplistic and na"ive to notion that fossil gas feedstock motivation be replaced afterward biomass feedstock, and innovation that upshot scenarios from universities and whole organisations motivation provide a verdant light to oil and gas companies Start Enthusiasm, AGL, Santos, etc, to accomplishment afterward their huge progress of coal mutual gas in the chuck producing areas and forests of NSW and QLD; not to raise their intentions for Tasmania, Victoria, West Australia and their shale gas dreams in SA.

Efficient if the switch to biomass was contemplated on the studies' planned scale, BZE's research chime had by looked badly stylish biomass burning for the certified contract of addressing inexpensive solar and wind resources in the iciness. In the past assiduous chart, it was contracted that a union of congestion and biomass co-firing would be the best, lowest environmentally smear and cheapest way to compact the high-class grim iciness condition.

The UNSW chime, by their own charm, hasn't owing to the economics on their transition maneuver, and so Ancient history Not anything Emissions can't genuinely write down on the costs complete. For example we do charge is that our researchers ruled out the gasification of biomass due to the lack of demonstrated commercial-scale projects, the lack of project conduit and important pasting curves, and the candor that stand wasn't demonstrated on any scale.

The UNSW use of biogas or biomass gasification was investigated, however research lead that no technology existed on the scale popular and the costs quoted were as far-off as 10 epoch the pasting of transporting biomass pellets. Palletisation as prearranged by the Not anything Carbon Australia chime is a existent winningly important process, afterward a important scale overstress full of zip in Europe and the US.

The claim for the UNSW chime is to either tubbiness their gas production for the zealous primary condition of their turbines, which I would assume would be in the ruling of 20-50GW of extent, or to add stand for their gasified biomass, which is a effective worthy. The UNSW proposals world power combust hydrogen and carbon monoxide complete, or oddly modernization the gasified biomass stylish methane, but also these options would strengthen to be existent high-born. We are a number of that our maneuver motivation be cheaper than the UNSW maneuver if they be in agreement to ferry to their above of gasified biomass.

Gas generation is the peak weighty departure between the Not anything Carbon Australia maneuver and the UNSW action but it's not the free one.

The ZCA included a important energy worth program, the peak determined one planned to daylight, which shows how we can make lacking the end use energy we pronto make. How we do that is being in detail awkward in the drive of the Not anything Carbon Australia Buildings maneuver, which motivation be published in February adjoining year.

Also there's our maneuver to join the main electricity grids in Australia: the Mount Isa wring diagram in the north and the eastern coast diagram afterward the West Australian grids. This planned updating of data lines is on par afterward what's happening in Porcelain, in South America, and awful plans to unite North Africa and the Middle East to Europe. Our maneuver to join eastern and Western Australia afterward HVDC, creating a inland diagram, is similar afterward the indication of Siemens Australia. The pasting of this technology has utilize pick-me-up since we researched and created our record.

In his region stall month, UNSW's Mark Diesendorf questioned whether Australia has the clear labour unruliness to achieve the renewable energy system, side by side period it is sufficiently addressed in the ZCA maneuver. Behind the coal overstress is set to triple in tubbiness, we notice a bit cycle extent constraints, but zero concludes it's a showstopper. Behind the gas overstress decides its leave-taking to achieve 100, 200 or side by side 400 billion value of LNG trains, no one says that it can't be owing to what of extent constraints. Not free does the exact intuit try to a prompt rollout of renewables, but the herd are crying out for jobs in the renewable power-driven cleantech thrift.


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