Sunday 3 April 2011

Introduction By Thomas Munn Ceo Of African Alternative Technologies

Introduction By Thomas Munn Ceo Of African Alternative Technologies
African Version Technologies (AATec) was created with the tack unruffled such as positioning itself, as an Version Vitality and Sustainable Incorporated Decentralised or "SID", unprocessed development and Biofuels Simple Productive Encouragement project manager/deverloper, and technology resource. AATec very brings experts in financing of green projects to the dignitary with out of the ordinary column models adapted expressly to the aplication.. AATec has no-expense-spared agreements in smidgen with caustic border technology development companies; also locally and internationally and can in exchange companies in align and realising their emerald objectives, by identifying and linking clients with projects to adulterate or show to be false the carbon generated by clients business operations.

Our tack victim at illustrate is the REIPPP, as delightfully as the Southern African Power Hoard and the objectives as set out by Mess in the Interior plan on Biofuels and how this relates to our Launch Venture's. The ask for of these caustic border, and innovative technologies towards achieving South Africa's motivated Renewable Vitality intention as set by the 2002 Pasty essay, and the provocation of the economy, job labor, young empowerment and the slimming down of green preserve gas emissions are AATec's priorities.

South Africa is in the in high spirits position to be neck and neck on all the be familiar with and scientific advancements roughly the world to the front embarking on this motivated plan, and we at AATec reason we fasten access to a few of the furthermost difficult, innovative, rationalized and proposal functioning ruling for Serve Enormity Renewable energy, energy storage, energy decrease, biofuels, a few difficult alternative energy and garbage to energy interventions and caustic border transport solutions not in at this time.

As a consequence AATec looks lecture to to alcoholic outing in the show the way projected and is partnering with Mess and communities as delightfully as combined businesses and fill with in implementing these interventions.

Great PV

Quote FROM: -PRESIDENT OBAMA, Make plain 2009

"So we fasten a choice to make... We can last one of the world's largest importers of unfamiliar oil, or we can make the investments that would okay us to roll the world's largest exporter of renewable energy... We can let the jobs of tomorrow be formed abroad, or we can create relatives jobs appropriate here in America and lay the focal point for unremitting loads..."


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We reason this applies unvaryingly to South Africa and fasten go started the process by securing the simple mechanized nationality to the greatest technologies not in from Conglomerate suppliers of alternative energy solutions.

So, we fasten a choice to make.... We can last a chief importer of unfamiliar oil and one of the world's greatest emitters of hothouse gasses, or we can make the investments that would okay us to roll one of the world's largest exporters of renewable energy and coupled technology. We can let the jobs of tomorrow be formed abroad or we can create relatives jobs here in South Africa and lay a fierce focal point for unremitting loads for all.


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